Your Couple Halloween Costume

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This is when they are all friends again.


"Please." You ask Akashi.


"Pretty please." Using puppy dog eyes.


"Fine if you won't I'll find someone else." You say turning around and leaving. If he didn't want to dress up in couple costume, then you would fine some else to go to the party.

Akashi eyes widen and realizing that you would go with someone else. "Wait."

You turn around trying not smile. "Yes."

"I'll go with you." He says sighing. "What is the costume?"

A smile crosses your face. You go behind your desk grabbing the costumes. "It's King Tut and Cleopatra."

"Not a bad choice." Akashi say nodding. You did a victory dance in your head.


You were bugging Aomine about going to a Halloween party with you. It was a chance for him to meet your friends and his also. But on no he didn't want to dress up in his own words 'like kids'.

"Listen the costumes aren't that that bad."

"I doubt that." You give up and and go and grab the costumes. You show the police costumes to him. He looks over them smirking. "You were right they aren't to bad, but I'll only go if you give me a kiss."

"Deal!" I cheer running out of the room.

"What about the kiss." He yells after you.

"You never said when!" You taunt back already at the door. You wink and run out the door laughing.


"Are you sure the party is going to be safe?" Kagami asks for what felt like the billionth time.

"Yes for the last time. I have gone to this party for the past three Halloweens and besides I know most to all the people who are coming." As much as you loved your boyfriend you were beginning to become annoyed with him.

"What about the costumes?" Kagami questions.

You rub your forehead trying to stay calm. "Your a fireman and I'm a Dalmatian dog."

"What about..."

"If you don't shut up right now, I'm going to smack you." You irrupt glaring at you boyfriend.  He nods quickly closing his mouth. "Good boy." You say kissing his cheek.


"I can't wait!" Kise exclaims excitedly. "This party is going to be awesome. I can't wait to meet all of (F/N)-chii friends."

"Ryota clam down." You say smiling at your excited boyfriend. He was the only one beside Kuroko even willing to consider going to the Halloween party.

"I can't I love dressing up." He say smiling.

You giggle at the statement "You do that for a living so it doesn't surprise to much."

"So what the costume?" Kise asks realizing that you hadn't told him yet.

"Your going to a pilot and I'm going as flight attendant." You smiling. Kise tackles you a hug kissing your face all over.

"Your the best!"


"So do want to go to a Halloween party with me?" You ask your boyfriend Kuroko nervously; you knew the Kuroko wouldn't say no, but you never know.

"Of course I will go." He say smiling lightly. "What will we be going as?"

"Ninjas if it is ok with you." You smiling brightly. Testu 2 jumps up and looks at you, "Don't worry I didn't forget about you. Testu you get to be ninja dog."

Kuroko thinks for a few seconds before answering. "That is perfect." Testu licks you cheek happily.

"Great do you want to grab some milkshakes?" You ask smiling. Kuroko gets up quickly grabbing your hand pulling you after him.


"Oh come on were is your Halloween spirit." You ask your boyfriend.

"Dead." He replies reading his book.

You look at Midorima trying to decide if he was making a joke or not. "Funny, but your going to the party."

"No way."

"Yes way."


"Yes and if you don't I will make sure you don't have your lucky items for the next week." You threaten. He looks at you shocked.

"You wouldn't." He say looking at concerned.

You smirk, "You wanna bet."

"Fine I'll go." He say sighing in defeat.

You smile and clap your hands together, "Your going as surgeon and I'm going as nurse." You toss his costume at him and skip away happily.


"(F/N) what should we go to the party as?" Murasakibara asks. "And will there be sweets at the party?"

"Of course there will be candy, chips, and a bunch of other junk foods." You say smiling at you boyfriend.

"Then what are we going to the party as." He asks eating candy corn. Where did he get that from?

You smile and rush off. When you come back, you show him the costumes. "You're going to be Clark Kent aka Superman and I'm going to Lois Lane!" Murasakibara nods his head knowing who Superman is. You had mad him watch a Superman movie with you.

----Author Note Line Thingy----

Me: I hope everyone has spooktacular Halloween! (Not sure how to spell that.) If you want to see the costume check out my News and Pictures story

Akaski: Did you notice?

Me: Um... No, I guess not.

Kise: You have over 400 reads!

Me: Yay!!!!

Aomine: You have 17 votes also.

Me: That is amazing!

Midorima: Your story has been added to 5 reading list.

Me: That is just wow! I need to sit down.

Kagami: Dragon is very happy and excited. And now she is blushing.

Me: Shut up!

Kuroko: Dragon clam down and enchantedrosexo  has voted on all you current chapters and has adding your story their reading list.

Me: Thank you Enchanted! And to everyone who has voted, read, and added this story to their reading list!

Murasakibara: Does this mean we get cake?

Me: Yes it does, cake for everyone! 🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂 Also,

Everyone: Have a Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃👻👻👻

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