The First Day

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August 27th, 2015. The first day of my junior year. It was hot in the So Cal mountains, like summer never wanted to end. When you wear nothing but black and wear thick rimmed glasses, this could be a problem. I sighed at my reflection and pushed up my sweat slicked glasses. I looked....average. I had put on a black v-neck, light blue skinny jeans with holes in the knees and black converse. This kind of outfit was always rather common for me, no matter the weather. I didn't want anyone getting the idea that I dressed fancy or frumpy, just casual. That's how I started my day.

I threw my glasses case and phone into my brown leather bag and headed out to my blue beauty, or as my brother calls it " The Slug Bug". Yes it was rather slow and yes it was a bug, but it was still perfect for me. I tossed my bag into the passenger seat and revved the engine. I listened to the beauty purr for a minute while I looked for the perfect CD. Ironically enough I chose the Beatles and started blaring "Yesterday" as I peeled out of the driveway.

The drive to school was familiar and boring. Curvy road here, curvy road there, 3 stop signs, all too familiar. You see, I've lived on these mountains ever since I was born, well, not technically. I was born off the mountain at a prestigious hospital because the hospital on the mountain were about as trained as monkeys. "Oh you have allergies? ANTIBIOTICS!", "You broke your cheek? ANTIBIOTICS!", "You need a hair cut? A N T I B I O T I C S!". If you haven't gotten the picture yet, maybe you belong at that hospital.

I pulled into my usual spot which is three spaces from the entrance. Although I am athletic I never cared for long walks. I slid my phone out of my bag and texted my best friend Jenny "the psycho" Reyes. She got "the psycho" part from an ex who though watching horror flicks made you a satanist. Although she is slightly insane she's still the funniest girl around and the prettiest. She had straight blonde hair that could be compared to a Barbie dolls, and beautiful hazel eyes that complemented her olive completion excellently. She's definitely the gorgeous one out of the two of us. With my wavy "out of sorts" red hair and dark green eyes, I could never compete. Not to mention I wear glasses (major turn off) but still we are best friends none the less.

Me: Where are you?
Jenny: My locker. Where r u?
Me: Outside meet you in a sec.
Jenny: Kk

I shut my phone off, grabbed my bag and slid out of the safety of the beauty. Shuffling quickly I made it to the door in record time then scurried to Jenny's and mine adjoined lockers. "Cart! There you are!" Jenny squealed giving me a tight hug. "Hey there" I replied with a small giggle, "Did you get your schedule yet?" I questioned. "Of course! I got yours too!" Jenny said excitedly passing me a piece of white paper.

1: Health/Jenkins
4:Pre Calc/Rigney

"Ooooh you lucky! You got Lawrence for English. I heard he's like suuuuuuuper hot." Mr. Lawrence, the newest addition to the Chrysler High. That year was his first year, and he'd already been swarmed by giggling high schoolers. Poor guy. I hadn't seen him in person but I assume he's attractive if everyone is going crazy over him and boyfriends are scared to lose their dates to him. "Yeah I guess" I brushed off the idea of having the hot teacher and went to my first class.

Mr. Jenkins is.... A different kind of person. He's small and frail and wore glasses too big for his grey eyes and size XXXXXXXS green sweater. He was nice to me two years prior when I had had him for freshman Biology. He liked me because I was quiet. He didn't change much in two years, still frail, still squeaky. We got our syllabi and listened to him go on about class rules for the span of the period and I had never seen kids run out of a class so fast. I waved Mr. Jenkins a quick good bye before scuttling out myself.

The next two classes I had with Jenny making them 100% more interesting, even though Mrs. Short was already crazy and fun. Pre Calc with Ms. Rigney was no less exciting. I had this class with my math rival, James Markovich. James and I had gone back and forth for four years over top of the class. We became good friends after the second year and helped everyone with their homework and things, but that didn't stop us from a little friendly competition.

Soon Lunch came and everyone hustled to the lines. Although our school was small our lines were long and close to agonizing. The food was always either too cold or too hot and it was 9/10 times under salted. The school can't afford real food because it would cost too much to haul ingredients up and down the mountain weekly. So Jenny and I talked about our teachers and how the new kid Kris kept staring at Jenny. "Poor boy, doesn't know what's coming" I giggled out. Once we got to the front of the line I got a saddening taco salad with mystery meat and Jen got nachos. That girl could eat an entire cow and not gain a pound I swear.

All too soon Lunch was over and Jen and I headed to Art where Mr. Finch awaited our arrival. Mr. Finch wouldn't be all that bad if he was less of a perfectionist, or an ass. He barked at us and yelled, making sure he pointed out how much he didn't like the trouble maker Mark, who couldn't have cared less. After the agonizing rants and hollers of how Mr. Finch didn't want to see, "A SINGLE SPEC OF PAINT YA HEAR? NONE I SAY! NOOOOOONE!".

Jen gave me quick hug and gave the quick remark of "Don't fall for your teacher" before she gracefully left, leaving most boys with their jaws to the floor. I shook my head and smiled before walking into the class room of the teacher I was most curious about. The room was simple and plain, there were a few posters of Shakespeare quotes and inspirational cat posters but nothing that could give me a clue of who he was. I gave up searching for answers within what kind of markers he used and got out the book I was currently reading. The title was "winter girls" by Laurie Halse Anderson. An amazing novel that described the painful life style of people with eating disorders. I got through about two pages before the bell rang, but I still didn't put the book down. The shuffling feet of late teenagers and a more demanding powerful step entered the room.

"Hello class" a deep, almost husky voice called.

"As you know I am Mr. Lawrence your English teacher. Now I've heard a few rumors and I'd like to get those out of the way before I get to roll call and the syllabus. Yes this is my first year of teaching and..." After that I zoned out of his masculine entrancement and concentrated harder on my book. After about 10 minutes of questions and rumor-sorting he started on the roll call. Since my last name started with B I should have known I would have been called soon, but I wasn't prepared.

"Carter Blanche?" He called, "Is Carter Blanche here?". I fumbled myself out of reading and raised my hand, "H-here". He lifted his gaze from his role sheet and met my eyes. His eye grew wide for a mere second, so quickly I barely knew he did it. He fumbled slightly with a husky "Good afternoon".

Hey guys! What do you think of my first chapter? Sorry if it sucks but I decided to write this at 1 am and didn't finish writing and editing until 3 am so it might be bad haha. Please comment your ideas, thoughts, or suggestions!

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