Could this be love? No that's crazy

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Dazzling blue eyes with a gorgeous smile and laugh, oh God I could just-

"Earth to Carter earth to Carter do you read me?" Jenny remarked waving her hand in my face. I shook out of my Mr. Lawrence induced trance.

"Yeah what's up?"

"You didn't hear anything I said did you?" I bowed my head sadly and nodded.

"Oh what will I ever do with you?? Softball try outs are in two weeks have you even trained at all?" This statement threw me into a state of shock.

"What?? No! I totally forgot! Shoot shoot shoot! I need to start doing my work outs! Do you think you could help me out this Saturday with throwing, batting, and fielding?!?" I asked all in a rush. She laughed and waved her hand

"of course silly! Anything for my astronaut." I blushed and punched her in the arm before continuing to devour my salad. It was lunch and I had been totally on a health kick for the past few months. Maybe I'm just a naturally healthy person, just kidding! I love cup o noodle and salt and vinegar chips and no one is going to stop me.

The bell rang forcing Jenny and I to disperse and head to art. James stopped us on our way giving us quick hugs and blowing us kisses. No wonder he's rumored to be gay. Art was pretty simple and to the point. First semester was strictly pencil drawings so we were forced to do one of those graph things where you recopy and picture onto a separate paper or whatever. I finished mine in the first 30 minutes so I just bothered Jen for the rest of the time.

All too soon it came time to go and my adrenaline kicked up.

"What's got you so twitchy?" Jen asked.

I couldn't bring myself to give her a straight answer so I replied, "just anxious for softball! See yah later!" And skipped off to class. I sat in my usually seat and laid my face onto my folded arms. What is wrong with me? Sure he's gorgeous, funny, intelligent, kind, amazing, perfect.... But that doesn't matter! He's my teacher. I can't even like him. That's weird. Yeah I don't like him. He's just a nice guy. Soon Mr. Lawrence strode into the room leaving my mind blank. He had on a tight dark blue t-shirt and dark dark (almost black) blue jeans on with sleek black shoes. His hair was a bit tossled making him 80% hotter and his pink lips were curved to show his pearly whites as he greeted the class. Oh my God he was perfect. I tried to clear my mind for role call.
Soon he got to my name

"Carter is, here." He said looking up at me and smiling widely. Oh I melted. I have him a soft wave before he continued. Of course my mood was interrupted by a shove on the shoulder.

"Kiss ass" oh Melissa. I shook my head and pushed up my glasses doing my very best to ignore her.

"Alright class! As you know we are presenting today, I will just go down the roll sheet and you will come up with your partner. You will both present 3 things about your partner, get checked off, then sit back down and respect your class mates alright?" Everyone nodded and "mhm"ed.

"I'll give you a few minutes to prepare. Miss Carter please join me." I blushed a dark shade and shuffled to the front very similarly as I had done the day before. I sat down in the same seat and took out my paper.

"Well hello to you too." He said with a small chuckle. I bowed my head and said a quick "I'm sorry" which he obviously brushed off saying that it was fine.

"So what 3 things are you going to present?" He questioned. I hadn't quite thought about it yet.

"Well I guess I'll do favorite subject, color, and book." I replied nervously.

"That sounds great, really raps up my essence." I giggled quietly and covered my mouth. He gave me an almost pitiful look before continuing.

"Well for you I'll do subject, color, and favorite animal."

I gave him a weird look, "why animal?" He laughed a little.

"Not many people's favorite animals are platypus's" he laughed once more making me melt again.

"They're cute and weird!" I defended.

"Like you." He said mid laugh stopping once he realized what he had said. I stared in shock and blushed the darkest shade possible.

"Uhm uh that sounded weird sorry, oh wow. Oops. Uhm sorry."

I shook my head "I-It's fine really. Thank you I think." I said imitating a laugh before looking up at him. He looked so concerned, almost sad before wiping off that look and clearing his throat.

"Alright guys we're going to go down roll now. I hope you're ready." He said pulling on a smile. How confusing.

"Alright, Frank Altar? Come up with your partner please." The sarcastic boy and his sarcastic boy partner walked up to the front of the class getting wolf whistles from the rest of his prick friends. After Frank's dramatic performance, 3 more people went up before it was my turn.

"Alright Carter lets do this." He said pulling another one of his Americas top model winning smiles. I nodded before stepping to the podium in the front. I pulled out my paper. I cleared my throat and glanced up to the class. Melissa and her goons were making fake glasses with their hands and giggling to themselves. I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt a warm hand on my lower back and I glanced up to see mr Lawrence giving me a small quirk of a smile. Not his bright happy one but a concerned almost worried one. I took a deep breath and began.

"My partner is Mr. Lawrence, his favorite subject is English, his favorite color is-" I was interrupted by a balled paper flying across the class and hitting me in the head. I looked up at the thrower to see it was Lindsey Jantsen, Melissa's best friend. I felt Mr. Lawrence's hand tense before he spoke.

"Miss Jantsen!" His voice boomed making me cringe, "Go straight to security now." She looked shocked and almost terrified before grabbing her bag and strutting out the door. I looked back up at him and saw his eyes flicker to a shade of, yellow? Like the eyes I saw.... No way! I'm just too in shock.
I left my paper on the podium and headed to the bathroom texting Jen.

Me: Bff emergency. Come quick.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I started 2 or 3 days ago but I was interrupted. I hope you enjoy this drama chapter!

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