Emotions, Emotions, Emotions

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About 2 hours later Elijah arrived home with an excited look on his face which failed the moment he saw me.

"What happened? You look sick are you ok?"

I nodded and played with the hem of my shirt. How do I tell him about what happened today? Do I even tell him about John? He gripped my shoulders firmly and crouched down to try and look into my eyes.

"Carter I know when you're upset, what happened?"

I pointed to my left at a nicely wrapped box. The wrapping didn't look anything like cheap paper, but a red velvet material decorated with a golden chain holding the material in place. He walked over to it slowly and picked it up.

"Who gave this to you?" He asked examining it.

I hung my head and squeezed my eyes tightly. I didn't even want to say his name.

"Was this from Alex?"

I could hear the fury in his voice. I nodded slowly hoping my slow movements would prevent further anger. I was wrong.

"Did he come into this house? Did he talk to you? Did he touch you? If he laid a hand on you I swear I-"

"He didn't touch her Elijah calm down" Angel said from a top the stairs. "He's a pain in the ass, he said some really weird stuff then walked away. I was in between them. You're scaring her"

Elijah looked back at me but I snapped my head in the other direction. I didn't want him to feel guilty, but he was scaring me. His yelling and violent actions terrified me and I couldn't help it. After seeing all that I'd seen and all the pain I had been through you would have thought I would have adapted to this life a little. I did accept vampires and werewolves and other supernatural beings, but the fear of them hasn't dissipated yet.

"She has to open it"

We all looked up to see Narica standing at the top of the steps.

"It has a charm on it, no one else can open it. If we throw it away something devastating might happen, she must open it"

My jaw dropped and my eyes wandered back to the intricately wrapped velvet box. With a painful look on his face Elijah handed it to me. I flipped it around once or twice getting a good look at it then took a deep breath. Please don't let it kill me. When I removed the red material the box lost its eloquence. Underneath was just a brown cardboard box, but when the lid was removed the awe returned. Inside there was beautiful tiara. It was gold with white diamonds shimmering over the intricate loops and twirls. In the middle sat a heart shaped opal. Underneath there was a note written in fine calligraphy.

For every princess deserves her crown, enjoy yourself piccolo angelo.

Before I could say a word Elijah snatched the box from my hands and started to walk away.

"What are you doing?"

I followed him out the front door where he got in his car and tried to shut his door but I stopped him.

"What are you doing Elijah? You can't just rip things out of people's hands and walk away with it!"

There was no denying it, I was pissed. The gift was so beautiful I didn't care who it had came from, I deserved being able to enjoy its beauty.

"That spoiled bastard came into MY house, tormented you, then called you HIS angel! I'm going to take this and shove it through his-"

"Elijah stop! Do you hear yourself?"

He stopped and looked at me. I assumed that at this point I had a range of emotions on my face. Anger, disappointment, sadness, confusion, and many more. I saw the anger dim in his eyes and his shoulders slump.

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