Wasn't That Stupid?

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Elijah's POV (I know you're all excited about it)

"Dammit!" My hands hit the desk in front of me before moving to ruffle my hair.

"Did you track her phone?" I looked to John who nodded solemnly.

"Dammit dammit dammit!" I slid the lamp and papers off the table which filled the room with a large clash. It's my fault! My subconscious screamed. I upset her! I made her want to leave. That dang selfless girl, wanting to protect us. I can't believe I let her get away from me...

"There's a few places we know Alex has been and has places. Take a small group and examine each one. If you find her get her immediately, no questions asked." John nodded and left the room. I dragged my hand down my face with a long groan. Silly Carter...

"Elijah?" I turned to the door and saw Angel standing there. Quiet, attentive, nervous, sad... She missed her.

"Angel... we're going to get her back. We did before." She shook her head lowly.

"That was different. He didn't expect it. Now he does and he can hurt her." I gulped then let out a shakey breath. She was right. He could hurt her. He could turn her into a slave... and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

"Go with John." My voice was hard and demanding, she jumped at my sudden tone and nodded, walking briskly out of my office. I slumped into a near by chair and put my head in my hands. Images of her being bound to a wall with pale features, him hitting her, biting her, I couldn't take it any more.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang, the number was unknown.

"Hello" I growled out.

"Ej why don't you sound more excited! You know how much I adore you." Alex.

"What the fuck do you want with her." My voice was deep and menacing, but it wasn't how I felt. I was terrified.

"Oh I don't know. I'm probably going to play with her a bit. I'm in her mind right now, she's asleep. She's dreaming of you dear Ej." My voice hitched in my throat, he was in her head...

"She has nothing to do with this you dirty bastard, she doesn't deserve your disgusting prying eyes in her head!" I slammed my fists down for more emphasis.

"Tsk tsk" he mocked, "is that any way to get her back? Insulting me? You're dummer then I remember." He chuckled causing my stomach to turn. I let out a growl from deep inside of me, the rage was almost unbearable.

"You know what I want. You have less time now. Let's say tomorrow?"

"I don't even know where you are!" I boomed. His arrogance made everything worse.

"Just makes things interesting doesn't it? You have until midnight tomorrow to bring me what I want or she's mine forever. Understood?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.




I marched out of the building to my waiting blue challenger and slid in. Furiously I started the engine and flipped on the radio blaring whatever was on, I wasn't listening any ways. I slammed my foot onto the pedal hurling me backwards. My tires screeched as I spun around. Once I switched gears I crushed the pedal and sped away towards the house.
The entire drive all I could picture was Carter bound, gagged, hurt, crying... as the images in my head became more violent and distorted I forced the pedal down further, hoping it would make me go faster. Considering I was already going over one hundred it would be hard to go much faster without running into complications. Once I peeled into the drive I hit the breaks spinning the car sideways before stoping surrounded by massive amounts of dust and dirt. I threw the keys into the passenger seat and swiftly opened the door at the same time. Quickly I hopped out of the seat leaving the door open and sprinted up to my room. Once I was inside Narica tried to stop me but I plowed through her and made it up to my room in record time. When I opened my door I just stopped.

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