Not Again

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The air was light, and everything I saw was tinted pink and beautiful. I was surrounded by bubbles and light balloons that would lightly brush my arms.

In front of me there was a silhouette of a man. The silhouette was less dark and ominous and more light and calming, it almost blended with the scenery. I slowly bobbed the round ornaments out of my way. As I walked the form became more clear, the hair that was messy but in a good way, a slender frame that still held strength, and a slim hand held out for me. My hand floated up much like the balloons to reach the angel like hand in front of me. Once my hand met his I could see who he was fully. It was Alex. I gasped and went to pull my hand away but was dragged into his chest.

"Now now Carter" his voice was like velvet and made me relax.

"Why is my piccolo Angelo so insistent on leaving me?" He lead my hand into the traditional waltz position and started to dance with me. This reminded me of the labyrinth when the goblin king danced with his sweet Sarah, both entranced in each other.

"My dear angelo, I'm coming back for you" I looked up at him seeing a sweetness in his eyes. I shook my head violently and tried to pull away from his grasp.

"Now now you knew this would happen eventually" I slumped slightly knowing he was right. He leaned in very close to the point where it felt like he was going to bite my ear off.

"Sleep well my angel" he then let go and the floor cracked beneath me. I looked back up at Alex to see that he had disappeared and I yelled out. The floor crumpled and the balloons, bubbles, and other airy shapes flew fast by me as I was dragged into darkness.

I shot up in the bed gasping and sweating, the slight echo of Alex's laugh echoed around me. My eyes darted around the room to find the source and squealed when I felt a hand on my back. I looked to my right to see Elijah looking at me concerned. I sighed and laid my head in my hands, doing my best to try and remember to breathe.

"Carter are you alright?" Elijah's hand tracked up and down my back in soothing strokes allowing me to relax further.

"It was just a nightmare" I did my best to smile when I turned to him. He didn't seem convinced.

"Want to share what it was about?" He sat up and gently pulled me into a warm embrace. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"It was about Alex" I could feel Elijah tense and squeeze me a bit tighter.

"He said he was going to take me back..." Elijah's breath became uneven and feverish.

"He's not taking you again... I won't allow it" I tilted my head upwards to see his face. His lips were in a hard line and his eyes held a firmness incomparable to any other. But underneath the harshness I could see a small amount of fear. That the idea of losing me made him scared, but that was ridiculous. I turned the rest of my body to where I was facing him.

"Elijah me being here puts everyone in danger... I shouldn't be your bag-" "you aren't baggage Carter" I sighed and put my hand on his upper arm.

"Please, I can't be the reason that anyone here gets hurt. Narica already can't stand the idea of me being here and if anyone got hurt because I was here I wouldn't be able to handle it" he looked at me shocked, like I was saying the f-word over and over.

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