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I gulped down my embarrassment as we stared at each other a moment longer. "Welcome back to the real world geek." I heard Melissa James remark. I closed my eyes tightly and bowed my head while dropping my shoulders. Mr. Lawrence cleared his throat before continuing with roll call. I stuffed my book back in my bag and kept my eyes on the desk in front of me. I zoned out for the rest of the class since it was all on the syllabus. I couldn't help but recall how intense and awkward Mr. Lawrence seemed.... Since I hadn't been paying attention I couldn't tell if he had acted that way towards the rest of the students or not making a soft blush form on my face. Before I knew it the bell had rang and I was once again woken from my trance. I slipped my syllabus into my book and threw my bag over my shoulder. As I started heading to the front of the class I was bumped into and pushed by a small framed body.

"Oops you must've been in your head again" Melissa remarked before stalking out of the class. I sighed and fixed my glasses before continuing on my way.

"Ms. Blanche?" I turned on my heel and clutched my necklace in the shape of a turtle.


"Although books are pretty amazing, I'd prefer if you could focus in class. You seem like a great student I'd hate for your grade to start dropping because of some cold girls." Mr. Lawrence said with a deep chuckle. I could definitely see why the girls were so obsessed with him, he certainly was handsome. He had dark hair that was just above the shoulders, he had it slicked back slightly I could only assume with the tears of an angel. His dark shirt with rolled up sleeves couldn't hide the fact that he seemingly went to the gym very, very often. His face was carved by God himself making a jawline that could cut diamonds and the olive complexion that most people dream of. On top of that he had dazzling blue eyes that could warm your heart with a glance. With his cleanly shaven face it could have been argued that he was Clark Kent.

"Oh-uh yes sir. Thank you sir." I bowed my head slightly and kept my head down while leaving the room. I took a dizzying deep breath followed by a sigh. That was.....interesting.

"Cart!" A heard a familiar voice call, "Hey!" I called back running up to Jenny.

"Sooooo was he as hot as they say?" I blushed and looked around nervously.

"I mean, uh, yeah he was-uh definitely uhm cute. Yeah. Cute." Nice going Carter *facepalm*

"Don't lie! You know he's hot as hell itself!" I blushed deeper and looked away. From then on Jen talked about her class and this boy named Clark (what a coincidence) who just happened to be hot and seemed interested in her. I half listened putting in an "uh-huh" here and there until we got to the car.

"So anything interesting happen to you?" Jen questioned with innocence riddled on her face.

"Well, I wouldn't say like crazy cool like yours but, Mr. Lawrence said I looked like a good student, and I kind of embarrassed myself during roll call.... That's it though!" I replied hopping in my car before she could get so much as a word in.

"See you tomorrow lovely! Text me!" I called before rolling out of the school. I sighed in relief believing I dodged a bullet, all until my phone started blowing up. Jenny, oh Jenny.
I had ignored all of the the messages until after I got home. I ate a cup o noodle and put on a tv show before I even acknowledged Jen. I could almost hear her squeal in every text. I just told her it was no big deal and that her day was obviously more romance filled then a compliment on my education skills.

Before I went to bed I sent out a goodnight text to James and Jenny, followed by loud good nights to the rest of my family. I put my phone on the charger and slipped into my oversized t-shirt for bed when I saw it. Two eyes, who are what they belonged to unknown to me, looking at me through my window. After about 5 seconds of eye contact they were gone. They seemed so curious, and weird. It must had been an animal. I shrugged it off before cuddling into my comforters and falling asleep, dreaming of monsters and heroines (aka me)

Sorry for the crap chapter. Once again 1 am. If you like please favorite and comments are always helpful!

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