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I woke up in a different room. The walls were large slabs of stone, obviously old and worn. It was dark, only lit by a small candle next to the door in front of me. To the left there was a table with various instruments of torture on it. On my right there was a table with clamps at each end for what I could only assume hands and feet. I was not longer in a bed either. My hands were chained above my head and I was sitting in a very rough metal chair. I rolled my neck trying to get out the kinks as the door opened. There standing in the doorway was Alex. He was wearing a black leathery looking outfit and his hair was slicked back making him look more menacing than usual.

"Ah you're finally awake my Angelo" my breath picked up as he approached me swiftly. His movements were so fluid they were almost surreal.

"No good morning? Tsk tsk I thought we were on good terms after last night." I felt my cheeks heat up and turned away from him. His finger went gently under my chin then vicious pulled my face to look at him.

"So let's get to business," he started throwing my head off his devilish finger.

"I want you to kill Ej and last time we spoke you refused, even after I threatened you. Has your ideals changed?" I looked down to the blood stained floor and shook my head solemnly. He chuckled lowly.

"I assumed. I told you I didn't want to do this but I will. Let's begin." He walked over to the table and ran his finger delicately over each tool, considering each carefully.

The way his mood had changed from before I had fallen asleep to where we were was astonishing. The night before he wanted nothing but to comfort me and treat me well, way too intimately but still. He even helped console my sobbing and now there he was trying to figure out what to use on me first. You stupid fool! You began to trust him and now you're going to be tortured. I cringed as he scraped the tool he had grabbed across the table. The shining light from the candle on the blade in his hand glowed warmly and made the blade look almost as if it was on fire.

"Let's start out simple shall we?" He brought the knife to my hanging arm and dragged it down lightly causing cold shivers to go through my spine.

"Please stop..." my voice was soft and small, hardly audible to the human ear.

"My piccolo Angelo if you just agree we can skip this step." He pushed the tip of the knife into my arm, not hard but just enough to make my arm cave slightly. I gasped and bit my lip doing my best to hold back tears. I wasn't even hurt yet and I was already almost crying.

"Please Carter. Just agree." His voice came out gentle and practically pleading.

"I could never kill any one..." I glared up at him doing my best to stay brave. I was failing epically but I still attempted. The knife pushed through my skin causing me to cry out. A small trickle of blood dropped down my arm. A groan came from deep within me from the soreness of my new injury.

"I can stop. Just say yes" his voice was more demanding but still held a hint of softness.

"Never" The boldness in my voice shocked even me. He smiled slyly and shook his head.

"Alright then" I cried out once more as he dragged the knife down the tender part of my arm until he was right above my armpit. I gasped out trying to regain some form of steady breathing. He brought the knife to his mouth and licked it sensually. He groaned with pleasure.

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