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I woke up in a different place. The bed was soft and large, but the room wasn't. It was dark and gloomy, it was terrifying. I shot up right looking around seeing if I could even remember anything or recognize anything. Besides the bed there was nothing but a barred window and a steel door. I jumped out of the bed and pounded on the door, there was no handle. I yelled and screamed trying to get someone to help me, nothing. I grunted in frustration and went to the window. I shook on the bars with all of my might but they wouldn't budge. I pulled them one last time with all of my strength but to no avail and collapsed on the floor. What am I doing here? Was I kidnapped by that figure? Do they want to kill me? I can't die! My mom, my dad, Jen, James, my brothers... this can't be happening! I soaked up my thoughts and felt my eyes start to water. I can't die....

After what seemed like forever I heard a clunk coming from the door. I stood up in the most aggressive manner possible, but tripped and grabbed the bed for support. I heard a deep evil chuckle and looked up to see a well built black man with many tattoos covering his arms and face. He sneered showing his ghastly teeth, they were yellowed and gross and made my stomach squirm.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to mask my fear. I didn't do so well. He laughed once more stepping closer to me forcing me further back.

"There there girly," he said in a mocking tone. He sounded like a pirate. He looked like a pirate.

"I ain't gonna hurt yeh, yet. Just c'mon over here and we'll have a nice time." His thick accent and wandering eyes made me shake my head violently.

"You're lying! Let me go!" I screamed moving further back and bumping into the wall. He grunted in frustration and charged towards me, I screamed and jumped to the side falling on the floor. He hit the wall and yelled out in anger, when he looked at me my mouth went dry. He had yellow eyes. I dared to look at his mouth and covered my own, two sharp fangs replaced his old canines and his mouth watered.

"I told you to stay still!" He boomed charging me once more but it was almost pointless to try to get away. Within a millisecond he had his arm wrapped around my throat. He was inhumanly strong and since he had gotten to me so fast he was also inhumanly quick. I clawed at his arm which wasn't suffocating me but definitely hurt.

"Let me go!" I squealed squirming more trying to pry his arm from my bruising neck. He just grunted and threw me over his shoulder. I kicked out and slammed my fists into his back ,which obviously hurt me more than him, before he started to walk out of the door. Outside the door there were two more well built men who looked extremely amused at my attempts.

"Shut her up will yeh?" The man carrying me remarked. One of the other amused men nodded and cuffed my hands before tying a bandana around my mouth. I tried to yell through the cloth but to no avail. After about 5 minutes of walking I gave up and slumped. My fists hurt, my hip hurt from falling, my brain hurt from being carried upside down and I was just in a lot of pain.

After another 5 minutes of walking we made it to a large room that looked like a ball room but what did I know, I was upside down. More roughly than I would have liked the man pulled me off of his shoulder and dropped me on the ground. I made sure to get a good kick at his shin making him growl in anger. His eyes once again turned yellow and I squirmed away from him. My head bumped into a hard round surface causing me to grimace. I turned to look at my static assailant to see a man sitting in a glorious plush red throne with golden arms and trimmings studded with rubies. I turned my attention from the chair to the man. He was beautiful, blonde hair, green eyes, soft delicate features and an amused smile showing is dazzling white teeth. He obviously didn't skip gym day either. If I hadn't known better I would have said he was a Greek God. I scooted away from him to a point between Mr. Pirate and the God. I started to shake in fear and the man waved his hand.

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