Awkward Meals and Dark Nights

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I sighed as my hand slid along the mint green comforter in the bedroom. It was soft and smooth, most likely satin. I face planted into it and took a deep breath. I was in some serious crap. Not only was I crushing on a vampire teacher but now his psycho path enemy wants me as leverage for some ultimate knife. Not only that but I looked awful when surrounded by extremely attractive people. It sounds rather shallow but it just made my insecurities sky rocket. I laid there for about 20 minutes before I heard a knock on the door.

"Dinners about ready if you'd like to join us!" It was Angel. She had on a cute black dress with combat boots and an adorable choker. Her outfit was perfect.

"Yeah I'm coming" I smiled slightly and followed her down the stairs. Next to the living room was the adjoined kitchen and dining room. Seven people were already seated at the 10 seat table. There was Narica at the head and Elijah at the other. On the left of Narica there was a guy about my age with bright red hair and red eyes that reminded me of a snakes. He gave me a small wink causing be to blush and Elijah to tense. Next to the red head was a little girl, probably about 8, with light brown hair and purple eyes. She smiled shyly and twirled her fingers. Next to her were 2 twin boys with blond hair and grey eyes. They both had devious looks on their faces which concerned me slightly. The last person was a man who looked about Elijah's age (but who could tell) with shaggy dark brown hair and brown eyes. His features were dark and strong. We made eye contact for a brief moment before his vision shot to the table in front of him.
Nervously I sat in the seat to the right of Elijah followed by Angel who sat next to me.

"Hello everyone" Narica said standing up.
"Today we welcome miss Carter to our table, be kind and courteous. Don't be rude." Her eyes darted to the twins who giggled and rolled their eyes.

"Candy please come down!" She yelled to the kitchen. I turned towards where she yelled to see a beautiful girl, slightly younger than me, with dark skin and curly black hair that complimented her light hazel eyes. She sat in between Angel and the mysterious man and nodded towards Narica.

"Lets eat!" All different varieties of food appeared in front of us. I stared in awe at the large slab of steak in front of me paired with green beans and mashed potatoes. I couldn't help but let my mouth hang as I stared at it. Angel nudged me slightly knocking me out of my food induced trance. I looked up to see Elijah looking at me with humor on his face. I felt my cheeks turn a bright pink as my eyes fell to my lap.

"Don't be embarrassed, the meat looks bigger than you anyways." I heard a boyish voice comment. I looked up to see the boy with the red hair smirking at me.

"Randy be nice" Elijah warned. Randy chuckled deeply and gave me a very intense look forcing me to look away.

"I realize introductions are in order," Elijah remarked, "you've already met Narica, you now know Randy, that's Lyra, these two are Marcus and Adrian, then there's Angel, Candy (Naricas daughter, and John. Say hello everyone." They all simultaneously said hello and went back to their food and drink.

"Hello..." I said softly. I felt Johns eyes on the side of my head but made sure not to look. I didn't know what his deal with me was and I didn't want to push it.

"You hungry?" Elijah asked placing his hand on mind. I looked up at him and nodded before looking back at my plate. I cut a slice of the tender meat off and put it in my mouth. I had to hide the bliss I felt. It was some of the best meat I had ever had. I then went to the potatoes and green beans. It was one of the best meals I had had in a while. Whilst I was chewing a piece of meat I looked around to everyone's drinks. Narica, John, Candy, Elijah, and the twins all had a thick red liquid in their glass cups. Blood. Lyra, Randy, and Angel had light purple drinks that seemed to shimmer. I was the only one with water and I felt even more self conscious. Once we had finished eating Randy stood up to leave but was stopped by Narica.

"You know it's yours and Lyra's turn to clean up"

"No fair! She can use magic!" Randy groaned, picking up all of the silver wear. Lyra's eyes began to glow as all of the plates hung in the air and flew into a singular stack and flew into the kitchen sink.

"See!" Randy complained. I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. He gave me an accomplished look and continued with the silver wear. My eyes turned to the sound of a chair scratching on the floor. It was John standing then walking in my direction. I shivered as his fingers accidentally touched my back and he continued out the front door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and stood up.

"Thank you for the meal." I said shyly, not sure who to thank.

"No problem" a voice said. I looked around trying to find the source of the voice and found none.

"Candy made the dinner, she is unable to speak so she uses telepathy." I nodded and smiled sweetly at Candy,

"Thank you." She nodded and returned the smile. I pushed my chair in and headed towards the room I was staying in. I laid on the bed and covered myself up. I looked out of the window to see stars and a full moon. It was definitely beautiful. I heard Elijah's door open and close I assumed to go to bed. Funny, I never thought vampires slept until Alex. I closed my eyes and did my best to sleep.


After a few hours I got exasperated from being unable to sleep and went to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection and sighed. I looked less pale but still messy and hopeless. I couldn't sleep here, especially not alone. I opened the door to see Elijah about to knock. We both stared at each other awkwardly before Elijah broke the silence.

"What are you doing awake?" I shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I can't sleep I guess" he nodded and thought for a second.

"Wait here" he said guiding me out of the restroom. He went in to I assume do his business. Another weird thing, they actually use the restroom. Once he came out he gestured his hand to me but I didn't take it,

"Did you wash your hands?" He blushed and went back in to wash his hands. I shook my head and smiled as he came back out once again offering me his hand, which I took. He lead me down the hall and instead of turning left he turned right into his room. My heart rate picked up because if a boy or man brings you into his room it is often a bad thing. He lead me to his bed and grabbed a few blankets and pillows off of his massive bed and laid them on the floor.

"I'll sleep on the floor and you can sleep in my bed. It's scary being in a new environment, it'd be nice to not sleep alone." If this was reality tv the fan girls would be dying. I shook my head.

"No I'll sleep on the floor, this is your room I can't do that to you." I put a piece of hair behind me ear and looked up at him. He had a look on his face that I couldn't place. It wasn't wanting or sexual but more adoring.

"You aren't sleeping on the floor Carter and if it bothers you that I do we might just have to share the bed." He said with a chuckle. I'm not going to lie, that sounded pretty awesome. While contemplating my decision I looked at him, really looked at him. His hair was messy and soft looking, not slicked back like it usually is. His sleep strung face made him look confused and vulnerable. His upper half was exposed since he wasn't wearing a shirt and I couldn't help but glance at his stomach to see the outline of abs which complimented his firm arms. Below that he was wearing sweats very similar to the pair I was wearing. He looked amazing. I looked at his face to see him blushing, noting the fact that I was staring. He was such a complicated man. I blushed and looked at the bed, tracing a pattern with my fingers.

"I guess we're sleeping in the same bed." He said with a smile. I blushed darker and nodded. We both laid down on the bed next to each other. I laid straight as a board and Elijah did the same. After about 30 minutes Elijah flipped over and laid his hand over my waist. I heard his even breaths and assumed he was sleeping. I snuggled close to him and breathed in his scent. I became extremely sleepy and soon fell into a peaceful sleep

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