Chapter 1:Kabuki Woman

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Third pov
The figure that jumped a couple of meters in front of him was feminine. She sported a curvy ballerina figure, showing that she was well endowed. She wore a white themed kabuki mask, hiding her identity. She wore a black & blue themed gothic lolitia dress, a pair of black & white ballet flats, and a pair of black tights. Sabo saw that she had long, flowing, glossy black & blue tipped hair that reached past her lower back.

Sabo growled at her." killed all these people!"
The Kabuki woman simply nods, then starts to walk towards Sabo.

'Who the hell does she think she is?!'

Sabo readied his staff, and ran straight at her. Just as he was about to hit her, she dodged at the last minute, hiked her leg up, and drop kicked Sabo to the ground. She quickly jumped away as he tried to kick her feet.

"Who do you think you are?!"Sabo yelled as he got up & ran at her again.

Sabo fought the kabuki woman with his haki imbued staff. Each time he'd tried to hurt her, she'd easily dodge or would block his attack with a graceful attack. Soon, Sabo was getting sick & tired of the repetitive battle. He lashed out, and tried to grab her mask so that he can break it. She quickly back flipped, kicking Sabo, and punched him in the face.

Sabo was sent back a couple of meters, where he held the place where he git punched. It felt hard. Harder than any normal punch. Sabo stared at the Kabuki woman with curiosity & annoyance. Out of her fingers, slid out glass shards that flew straight at Sabo, which he just dodged.

'Wait, what am I doing? I don't need to dodge, remember?'

Sabo secretly face palmed at himself, then quickly got himself back into action. He had to think something up fast. He needed to think up a way of cancelling out her fast, powerful & graceful attacks.

'Her mask, maybe? It might catch her off guard.'

The Kabuki woman jumped up into the air, and flung knifes made out of glass at him. Sabo dodged those, picked them up, then threw them at her. But when they made contact with her, it seemed that the glass knives can't hurt her.

' glass can't hurt her. Could she possibly be a devil fruit user? If so, then I need to lure her somewhere somehow.'

The Kabuki woman ran at him with incredible speed. She lashed out towards him, a glass sword inches from his body. Sabo grabbed her hand that was holding the glass sword, and threw it to the side. As quick as a cat, he grabbed her mask with his Dragon claw, and proceeded to break her mask, then her face.

"This is what happens when people like you do these sorts of things."Sabo said in a warning tone.
Finally, the woman growled."Let me go bastard!"
"And so she speaks! I'm actually not going to let go! You deserve this!"Sabo hissed.

The kabuki woman hissed, reared his foot back, and painfully kicked Sabo in the Razzel dazzel. Immediately, Sabo took to the ground, and was actually writing in pain, cursing to the wind along the way. She took this as an opportunity to escape, and ran off. Her mask had large cracks from where Sabo jabbed his fingers into her mask. She threw the mask off her face, and carried on retreating.

She took a hard left down a passageway, and met face to face with Monkey D Dragon. She stared at him with slight shock, but then immediately went back to attacking him. But just as she was about to come into contact with him, she stopped. A whole wave of a heavy sensation came upon her. She stared at the man in shock, her conscience growing wild.

"Y-you! You're.."

But she couldn't finish her sentence, as she was already on the floor, where her vision faded out. Dragon scooped her up like a child, and met up with Koala, who was scolding Sabo.

"Jerk! You gotta stop running off like that!"Koala hisses.
Sabo grumbled in response.
Koala huffed, then saw Dragon approach them."Dragon-san, you caught her!"
Dragon nods."Yes. Its good that we've managed to subdue this woman."
Sabo raised a eyebrow."What do you mean by 'this woman'?"Sabo asked

Dragon showed her face to Sabo & Koala. They saw a pale face, that looked about the age of either 22 or 21. Her blue tipped fringe had framed her face, making her look quite...beautiful in a sense.

Or well, thats what Sabo thought.

After a moment, it took him a while to realize who exactly he was staring at.

"Is this...the Russian Doll of Moonlight?"Sabo asked.
"The what?"Koala asked.
"Her alias is the Russian Doll. But..her name is Moonlight D Arabella. I'm sure you both know of what the Moonlight family does."Dragon said.
"No way!"Koala said.

Sabo continued to stare at her, his curiosity increasing. He's heard of her name, alias & family. The Russian Doll:A famous Assassin that's known throughout the world to have erased organizations by herself. The Moonlight family:The worlds top assassins. They're all known for the profession, which is killing.

"How would she have found us?"Sabo pondered.
"That is a question in which we'll find out when she awakes, and becomes one of us."
Koala stared at Dragon with shock."R-really?!"
"Death penalty would've been proper, but she's assisted multiple organizations. She knows secrets that we might not. She could be useful. And besides, we can't waste another life like Admiral Sakazuki does."
"But what if she doesn't agree?"Sabo asked.
"Either way, she's still going to become one of us, whether she likes it or not."

(A/N:Hey guys! Sorry that the Prolouge was short, everything sort of spazzed out, and it made me write Chapter 1 a tad bit shorter.)

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