Chapter 25:Sisterly bonding

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(A/N:Before we get cracking on Arabella's new job, we gotta at least make a chapter about Valkiria leaving. This is also a small introductory chapter on Val. So, here it is!)

Arabella pov
Strange, loud banging awoke me from my slumber.


I groaned as I got out of bed & grabbed my dressing gown. I went to my office, and opened my door, only to get socked in the eye by Valkiria.

"Fuck!" I swore.
"Oh my god, Ara! Shit sorry!"
" don't have to keep on knocking!" I groaned.

Val lead me into my office, shut the door & sat me down on a chair. She took my hand off my face, and made a face of guilt.

"Is it bad?" I blabbered.
"I'm not gonna sugar coat it:Its red & starting to swell a little bit." Val said while squinting.
"I admire your honesty." I said lamely.
Val's lips twitched."Anyway, I know what to do with this. This may feel weird, I advise that you close your eye."

She put her hand over my eye. From what I could tell, she had closed her own eyes, and was trying to focus on healing with her angel abilities. Then, I felt a feeling on my eye. It started off small, then it grew as the angelic healing went on. It felt cold, actually, the healing I mean, but I could feel my eye getting better. And I dunno if I'm seeing things properly, but Val's silver hair was glowing green & gold. Minutes later, she opened her eyes, and her hair stopped glowing. She took her hand away from my eye.

"Okay, I want you to open your eye very slowly." Val instructed calmly.

I nod, and slowly opened my eye. Val grinned when it was opened.

"Can you see?" She asked.
"Crystal clear." I said.
Then she pulled the middle finger at me."How many fingers am I holding up."
"None, because its all up your ass."
She pet my head."Good, I've taught you well."
I chuckled."I can only learn from the absolute best."


Valkiria grinned, and we both stood up. She demanded that I get dressed so that we could go & have some breakfast. I changed into the first dress that I saw in front of me.

Val literally shoved my feet into a pair of black ballet flats

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Val literally shoved my feet into a pair of black ballet flats. She even brushed my hair for me (because she claimed that she felt like it). After dressing myself up, we went down to the dining hall. For breakfast today was Eggs Benedict, with a side of Honey Bacon, toast & fruit salad. Along the way, I grabbed two cups of apple & Elderflower tea for Val & I. We sat, down, and started to eat.

"So, whats on the agenda when you get dropped off?"I asked.
Val hummed."Well, Father rang me up last night, and said that he's sent out a gopher boy to assign me a new mission." She sipped her tea.

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