Chapter 26:First day

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Arabella pov
I literally rolled out of bed on accident when my alarm went off.

"Aww hell..." I growled.

I sat there, rubbing my head for a moment. I yawned, stood up & shut off the alarm. The time on my clock read 5:30am.

'Well...better get dressed. Today is the day where I finally start my new job as a fighting instructor.'

I rummaged through my closet, trying to find something to wear. After a couple of moments, I settled on this:

 After a couple of moments, I settled on this:

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(A/N:Above is Arabella's hair style

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(A/N:Above is Arabella's hair style...and her hair colours. And yes, the blue in Arabella's hair is natural, but usually her hair is straight)

'Why is my sense of fashion evolve around dresses, black & blue? I need to shop some more...meh, oh well.'

After putting on some light make up, I grabbed a light breakfast (a apple & a slice of apple pie) and went straight to the nursery side of the base. Eventually, I found myself outside with a couple of the instructors. They were both men, and probably looked a couple years older than me. One guy had black hair & brown eyes while the other guy had brown hair and blue eyes.

"And you must be our new partner!" Black hair said.
I smiled."Yes, thats me! I'm Moonlight D Arabella, but just call me Arabella. Nice meeting you."
Brown haired nods."Same to you, Arabella-san. I'm Tsuki, while my cousin over there is called Taiyō."
Taiyō smiled."Nice meeting ya!"
"You two are cousins?"
"Yes. We get that a lot." Tsuki said bluntly.
"Oh sorry."
Taiyō laughed."There's nothing to be sorry about! Anyway, glad to meet you as well, Arabella-san."

Taiyō & Tsuki went through what the training regime is for each day, for each class. It seemed pretty full on for some kids aged between 7-17. Hell, some of the things they were gonna do, I couldn't even do it at their age.

'Maybe they might find it easy. I guess I'm just gonna have to wait & see.'

Later, at seven o'clock a.m, our first class arrived. There was probably about 24 kids. Their age group was probably 7-9 years old.

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