Chapter 48:Guilty pleasure

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*carrying on from last chapter*

Sabo pov
Arabella pushed me out of the closet, breaking the glass handcuffs from my wrist. She struts off, giving me one final look over her shoulder. I watched her walk off, her hair swaying.

'Why do I feel...weird?'

I couldn't keep my eyes off her. A sudden urge grew within me. I couldn't get her touch out of my head. It was like she's burnt where her finger tips touched me. Subconsciously, I was reaching out to her with my hand, wanting to have more of her.

"Sabo? Are you coming?" She called.
I jumped back to reality. "U-uh yeah! Coming!"

I ran after her. When I caught up, she had a victorious smirk on her kissable lips.

"What was that for?" I asked with a pout.
"Payback for scaring me."
"I did say I was sorry..."
"Yeah, well....I felt like slightly punishing you." She said with a added giggle.
I puffed out my cheeks. "Thats meeeean~!" I whined
"I know you loved it, baby."

And here is what I literally thought:

'Fuck, shit......I have a boner. Down!'

(A/N:I'm so sorry but I just had to!)

*that night in bed*

I tossed & turned in bed, trying my hardest to get some sleep, but failing ultimately. Reason why? I just can't seem to get Arabella out of my head. As in....I had dirty pictures in my mind about her. And sadly, I was getting turned on by my own thoughts.

'Damn....dirty thoughts get out!'

Meanwhile, down under the sheets, I was trying to ignore the ever growing boner that was annoying me. No matter what I did, it either made the situation worse, or it didn't even make it better.

"What do I do now..." I mutter to myself.

I laid there on my bed, trying my best to think up ideas for getting rid of my erection.  Then minutes later, I had a idea....a really ridiculous idea. My hands were rested on my thighs, and they were starting to twitch because of my sudden nerves that kicked in.

'I shouldn't think about doing..that. I've never done it before. But then again, its natural from what puberty books say. But...this is masturbation we're talking about.'

My hands were balled into fists on my lap now, and I was basically in a cold sweat.

'Well....there's nothing else I can do at this point...I...I'm gonna have to do it!'

Giving both fists a final squeeze, I closed my eyes, found my hand in my pants. My heart was pounding in my chest when my hands went past my underwear.

'Here goes nothing...I guess.'

I gently grabbed me. I sort of just laid there on my bed, with my thing in my hand. I was contemplating whether or not I should go on with this idea. But..Arabella came back.

'Damn....that woman. She can be so hot sometimes.'

Subconsciously, I started off slow. It felt...weird. A good weird. It sort of felt like I did but didn't want to do this.

"H-hell~....Fuc~k." I moaned quietly.

As I slowly gained speed, I kicked my blankets off myself. My other hand that wasn't jacking off was always either tightly holding my bed, or running my hands through my hair.

"Ara-Arabella~!" I panted breathlessly as ejaculation neared me.

I moaned & moaned out her name like a good luck chant. All these sinful thoughts about her were becoming intense, and even some memories about when we first made love. My tongue yearned for her taste. I'm just so...completely intoxicated by her.

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