Chapter 43:Crime boss

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Arabella pov
Later, I woke Sabo up once we docked at Shini island. It was dusk, and the sun was just dipping behind the horizon when we arrived.

'The night life would just be starting to come alive. Best if we still wore our masks & cloaks though.'

I urged Sabo inti wearing the cloak & mask, even though he wanted to just wear his top hat & jacket. We had a debate about, and naturally, I won & he ended up wearing the cloak & mask in the end.

"Okay, so where dod Dragon-san say that our escort was going to meet us?" I asked.
"I'm pretty sure it was either out by Belladonna, or out on the docks somewhere."

'Guess we'll just wait & find out.'

Sabo & I left the ship, and we searched around for our escort. Sure enough, we found our escort, who was a nice tall man that wore glasses.

"Are you our Revolutionaries?" He asked.
I nod.
"Good. Well then follow me. After this, Dolor requests that you keep our hide away a secret."
"Our secret is hidden." Sabo replied.
"Thank you. For the time being, just call me Mura. I wish I could say more, but..."

He dismissed what he was about to say, and he began to lead us. Before we started following, Sabo gave me a worried glance, whereas I simply stared straight ahead.

We followed Mura throughout Shini, where we eventually found ourselves in the blinding streets of Juleka city. Like last time Sabo & I were here, everything was lit up with night clubs, bars, possible restaurants & some corners that looked suspicious. Night club Belladonna was coming up, meaning that our crime bosses hide away is near by.

'Whoever this crime boss is, better not waste our time with idle chit chat. Sabo & I have to get back to the base. Or well, I have to get back, I forgot to tell Tsuki & Taiyō about me being out on a mission.'

We walked straight past Belladonna, and walked a couple clubs down, until Mura turned right down a abandoned street. Down here, there weren't as much people & lights. It felt a bit shady.

'Maybe this is where people live?'

"This is it."

'Huh? I didn't even realize we stopped.'

We stood outside a gated off alleyway. Mura got out a set of keys, jiggled a rusty key into a lock & finally unlocked the alley. We walked in, Mura locking it behind us.

"This way." He beckoned.

To the left, he opened up a door & walked in. I nodded at Sabo, who nods back at me. I walked in first, and was met face to face with a sickening but sweet incense.

'What the hell?! Thats so heavy!'

As we walked through the house, I saw people all over the place. They were all either sleeping, drinking or high on something. Mura completely ignored them all, and took us up a flight of creaky wooden stairs. The incense was even stronger upstairs, it was actually a bit far too sweet for my tastes.

'Whoever this person is, must love sweet things.'

We stopped upon a door, which Mura did a series of knocks on. Someone else opened the door. It was a woman this time, she had black eyes & brown hair. She wore heavy make up, and a very revealing dancers outfit.

"Mura~! You're back with Dolor-senpai's guests!" She gave us a drunk smile. "My name is Ekko. You two sit down in here while you wait for Dolor-senpai to get here."
"Er..thanks, Ekko-san."

We walked in, and the incense in the air changed so suddenly, that I almost gagged. It smelt heavily of Lotus flower. And the room inside was very...smoky, dimly lit. Ekko left us, leaving Sabo & I in the room.

"Come sit..." A seducing feminine voice called.

'Where have I heard this voice before?'

I suddenly felt compelled to do that. Robotically, Sabo & I sat down on the ground with the plush pillows. I squinted, trying to make out who sat on the red love seat.

' feels like I've been here before...but where? It was just so recently.'

But then, like a clap of lightning, Sabo's sapphire blue eyes went wide as he stared at the woman in front of us.

"No way...."

I squinted, trying to see past all of the incense & smoke. But the only thing I could see, was a pair of emerald green cat like eyes, and a red dress that had a slit, showing off that she had elegant skin & a nice pair of long legs.

"Who are you?" I asked.
She chuckled. "A person crossed between a nightmare & a day dream. How about you both take off your masks....huh?"

Shakily, I took off my mask, and tossed it to the side. I was yelling at myself for being the word? I can't grasp it. Is it compelled?
Anyway, Sabo followed suit & took his mask off as well. The voice gasped.

"My, my, we certainly have some luck..a beautiful girl, and a handsome man..." She licked her lips. "What a splendid delicacy."

Suddenly, the smoke started to clear as the woman came closer to me, and kneeled down in front of me. Soon, it revealed that she had long, wavy/curly brown hair that reached down to her lower back, and had a curvy body. She seemed talker than most women.

And then, I realized who this women was as soon as she was sitting in front of me.


But I didn't even get a chance to say something, since she had already leaned in & kissed me.

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