Chapter 41:Building bridges

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Arabella pov
The day afterwards was fairly awkward, just as I half expected. Taiyō & Tsuki were wrapped in bandages, and were distant from me, which in return, made me feel a bit lonely during class time with the kids.

"Arabella..." Sabo called. "Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine. I'll handle it."
Sabo would place a kiss on my forehead. "Anything at all...I'm here."
I closed my eyes, and smiled sadly. "As always, you're the best."

One day, Amaya approached the two guys during class. She had given Taiyō & Tsuki a very adorable angry pout, and was actually lecturing them about me.

"I demand for you two to talk to Arabella-ne! Don't pretend that I haven't noticed, or I don't know whats going on!" She stomped her foot down. "Taaaaaalk to her!"
"Aah! Okay okay! We'll talk to her!" Taiyō said comically.
"When did Amaya become so demanding.....?" Tsuki muttered under his breath.
Amaya then pointed at me. "Do it right now!"
"We will! Please calm down, Amaya!"

Amaya lit up, and produced a flowery, happy aura.
"Thank you very much!"
And so, she skipped away.

I quickly pretended that I wasn't over hearing what they were talking about, by helping a small boy named Sou out with how they were holding their bow.

"Like this, Arabella-ne?" Sou asked.
I nod enthusiastically. "Yes! Perfect! When you're ready, release the arrow. Take your time now, Sou-kun."

He gasp surprisedly when he released the arrow, which went flying past the target, and actually hit the ground further away. He groaned in frustration as he set off to grab the arrow.


'I never realized how slow they could walk.'

I turn, and see Taiyō & Tsuki standing there with apologetic looks on their faces. I shoot them with a polite smile.

"Look...we need to talk about what happened yesterday." Tsuki started off.
"We're sorry about everything. We should have considered about your relationship with the Chief." Taiyō adds.
I held my hand up. "Its okay. Its been said & done now. But I want you both to promise that there'll be no awkwardness between us, including Sabo. Its just....I don't want any bad blood."
"We'll talk....if Chief is willing to."
I gave them both a serious look. "Oh trust me, I will make him willing to."
They both shuddered. "T-thanks, Arabella.."
I grinned. "Your welcome!"


Sabo pov
"Arabella, where are you taking me?"
She tugged on my sleeve harder. "No time to explain! Lets just go!"

'Now I know how everyone else feels when they're on a mission with me.'

Then suddenly, I gasped when I was thrown into a dark, large supply closet. Arabella walked in as well, closing the door with double clicks.

"Why did you lock us in here, and why are we here?"

"We could ask the same thing."

'Oh hell no...'

I lit up the place with a small fire ball that sat on on my forehead, I turned & found Taiyō & Tsuki sitting away from us on a box. I glanced at Arabella, who was standing in front of the door like a security guard.

"Arabella, what the hell is going on?"
"You three are to make up." She commanded.
I grunted. "Arabella, come on. Just let us out-"
"No. This is what I want. I want to be no bad blood between us four at all. Taiyō & Tsuki have already apologized, so now its time for you three to build a bridge, and make up."

Realizing that Arabella wasn't going to let us out until we all talked about this, I sighed inwardly, and walked over to the two guys with a calm look on my face. It took me a moment for me to think up exactly what I was going to say. I scrunched up my hand in a fist for a moment, then released.

"Hey, look.....I'm sorry about what happened, yeah. I, um, I'm just really-" I blushed lightly. "protective of her. I hate seeing her upset."
"Hey, its okay. We should've taken into consideration about her relationship with you, Chief." Tsuki started.
"And really, we also didn't think about how it'd effect both Arabella-chan & us three guys."

Arabella coughed to get our attention. "Shake hands."

I chuckled, while the other two were simply shaking their heads & were grinning. We shook hands with each other, making Arabella happy. Afterwards, she let us out. The two guys both had to go talk to Dragon-san about something, leaving only Arabella & I walking by ourselves. She nudged me, a cute grin on her face.

"Protective, huh?"
My blush came back. "I-I really am! I hate seeing you hurt!"
She laughed, got on her tippy toes, and pecked my cheek. "You doughnut."
"A doughnut?!"
She chuckled. "They're cute!"
"But how?!"
"Because you're one, and you're cute. You're my doughnut."
"What does that make you then?" I asked.
She winked. "A cupcake."

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