Chapter 57:Dimitri vs Sabo

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Third pov
Before Sabo could even grab out his pipe staff, Dimitri bull charged right at Sabo, and knocked him to the ground. Sabo laid their, winded for the most part, and reaching to grab his pipe staff. Once he got it, he stood up, and tried his hardest to look around for Dimitri.

"Come on...its not a fight if you're hiding, Dimitri." Sabo taunted.
Dimitri appeared in front of Sabo. "Guess you're not wrong there."

Sabo went in for the first hit, which was easily deflected by a strong kick from Dimitri. The Chief tried again, but ultimately resulted in being knocked away.

'Damn...he really is fast.'

"I'm sure Valkiria would've told you by now, but I have the power to enhance my speed. Before you can even try to burn me like a piece of pork, you will just be a bunch of match sticks lighting on my fireplace." Dimitri said with a victorious smirk.
Sabo chuckled. "Now now, old man, you know what happens when you get ahead of yourself:You'll end up regretting those words that came out of your mouth."
Dimitri chuckled, and raised hid arms. "Try me."
"Heh, I will."

And so, the two men engaged in a one on one duel. Sabo attacking with fire & his pipe staff, while Dimitri is speed attacking with all sorts of hidden weapons. It soon got to the point where Sabo would only minimally dodge Dimitri's swift slicing attacks.

'Damn it!' Sabo cursed in his mind. 'How in gods name do I do this?! He has so many weapons, and I'm always out of reach to destroy them! Time to think up a new tactic.'


Dimitri backed Sabo up against the wall, a knife to his neck. Dimitri stared hard into Sabo's eyes, as if he was taking away his life like a Grim Reaper.

"I'm now starting to question whether or not Arabella's taste in men is starting to wear off." Dimitri stated. "You can't even get a hit on me. How do you expect to protect my daughter, when you can't even defeat me? Ha. Maybe Dragon is going blind.." Dimitri leaned in close. "I sure hope that he didn't give the Chief of Staff title to the wrong person."


The two mens attention spun to Valkiria, who had just entered the building. She was armed with a heavenly silver sword, that looked like it could cut your eyes if you blinked at it.

"Valkiria, leave now. This is between Sabo & I." Dimitri commanded.
"Hell no! I know you want to ensure that Arabella is protected by the right person, but it doesn't mean that you almost kill them! Think about this! What would Arabella say to this!"
"She said that she accepted what was going to happen!" Dimitri growled, causing shivers down Sabo's spine.

"You may think that you know Arabella, but you really don't! I'm the one who took time out of my study to spend time with her! I know how she thinks! Arabella just wants your blessing, not for you to just gut like a damn gutter fish! She...she just wanted you both to talk it out."

Seeing that Dimitri's guard was down, Sabo took the chance to push him off, and be on the attacking side. Even though Valkiria was screaming at Sabo to stop attacking, Sabo just couldn't stop...he wanted Dimitri to be satisfied about how strong he is.

'If I don't beat Dimitri, then I'll let both him & Arabella down.'

As Sabo stayed offense, he learnt a new weakness from Dimitri: His defense. As strong & quick Dimitri is, he doesn't have a good defense against his attacker. As long as Sabo was the only one attacking, then Sabo will win this battle & Dimitri's blessing.

Then just as Sabo was about to attacked Dimitri with heat based attacks, Valkiria stepped in & raised her sword at Sabo.

"LISTEN TO ME!" Valkiria hissed, backing him to the wall.
"V-Val please-"
"You don't have to follow whatever crap my Father is saying!" Valkiria yells. "He is just a man like you! I don't care if my Father is scary, he can't make you fight him! His version of proving self is as fucked up as the Marineford war! Talk to him! Please!" Valkiria begged. "I...I beg of you!"

"Valkiria, leave." Dimitri yelled.
"No! Not until I know that you two are talking instead of fighting!" Valkiria cried.
"Valkiria this is the only-"
"ONLY WAY MY ASS! Its called talking, Father! I shouldn't be the one scolding you about talking to people! That should be your job! You need to talk to Sabo, right now. You need to get to know each other, otherwise this is all just a waste of our own time. Now talk! Throw your weapons to me!"

Dimitri & Sabo look at each other for a moment. They were both either bruised, bloodied or burnt. Sabo placed his pipe staff down to the ground, then kicked it over to Val. Awkwardly, Dimitri had taken all of his hidden weapons out. Sabo was amazed as he counted all of the weapons that were hiding in Dimitri's clothes. Once he gave all of his weapons to the silver haired angel, they faced each other.

"I would like to start off with a apology." Dimitri starts. "Sabo, I'm sorry about all of this thats happened. I should have just talked to you, instead of fight you. And what I said to you earlier about you not deserving the Chief of Staff title..I take that back. You really do deserve that title, and for that, I give you my blessings towards yours & Arabella's future. I do hope that we can forgive & forget, and just...start again?"

Sabo nods. "I forgive you Dimitri...and thank you for the blessing. Arabella is lucky to have you as her Father." Sabo turned his attention to Valkiria. "And Val? Thanks. If it weren't for you, we would've killed each other."

Val smiled. "Its okay. Now we could talk more, but we need to wake up Arabella."
"Right, we'll bring her back to the Hotel room. China can do something that will wake Arabella right up." Dimitri agrees.
Val looked at Sabo when she sensed his confusion. "Mother is a Witch."
"Oh...right, anyway lets get back to Arabella."


Sabo watched as China pouted some clear liquid into a cup.

"Ah, there we go. This should do the trick." China muttered to herself.

China walked over to the couch that Arabella was lying on. Sabo jumped when China dump the liquid all over Arabella's face, which actually caused her to wake up. China was immediately by her daughters side, and was calming her down with Hazelnut coffee & a small cookie.

"Shhh...I am here, my Bell." China said with sweetness.
"Mother..." Arabella groaned. "Do me a favor & curse your husband? Being knocked out isn't fun."

Arabella immediately made eye contact with Sabo as soon as she saw him quickly walking over to her. Never minding the fact that her legs were still asleep, she jumped up into Sabo's arms, and embraced him.

"Sabo! God are you okay?! You're all cut up!"
Sabo kissed her forehead. "Don't mind me, this is normal! I'm just so happy that you're awake now, Ara."
She chuckled tearfully. "Y-Yeah! I'm fine now, Sabo!"

(A/N:OMG I've just watched Suicide squad, and it was amazing! I really think y'all should watch it! And oh my god when Bohemian rhapsody came on, I think I was the only one singing it! Jesus christ I need to calm down. Okay, anyway, so I'm thinking that maybe this might be the final arc...yeah...the story is gonna start ending soon, guys. I'm sad too, but it was gonna happen eventually.)

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