Chapter 4:Fortepiano duet

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Arabella pov

The room was alight with glittering chandeliers & jewels. The beautiful, haunting piano was playing in the background. Around me, women were adorned in colourful ball gowns made with expensive silks. I myself, was wearing a long, blue & gold ball gown that snuggled against my waist.

"A dance, m'lady?"

I turn, and see Sabo there, dressed in a high class blue tail coat. He was offering his hand to me. I chuckled into my hand, and took it.

"Why not?"I answered.

He lead me to the dance floor, and we began to ball room dance. We twirled around the room, Sabo's arm around my waist while mine was placed firmly on his shoulder. As we spun, the piano became louder, and louder, until I couldn't even hear what Sabo was saying anymore.

*Dream end*

I woke up, and everything was still dark. I readjusted, and was about to lie back down, but then I heard it again. The piano music from my dream. It was beautiful, and sounded very melodic. I got up from my bed, and lit the oil lamp that I was given. I left my bedroom, and sure enough, the piano was louder.

'Who could be playing at this time of the night?'

I followed the music, and found that it wasn't that far from where my room is. Eventually, I found myself opening a door, and entering a music room. Inside, I saw that there was only one single oil lamp by the piano. I squinted, trying to make out who was there playing. I walked further, and saw that it was Sabo who was playing. He had his back turned to me, and from what I could tell, he hasn't heard me come in yet.

I walked quietly up behind him, and waited for him to turn around. I could tell that he was very immersed in playing. Soon, as he was about to reach over & play a F sharp key, he must've saw me from the corner of his eye, because he jumped two meters in the air, and swore loudly.

"You fucking scared me!"He hissed.
"Sorry."I said bluntly."But, I couldn't help but listen to you's beautiful."
Regaining his breath, he said:"Thanks..."
I tilted my head to the side."Did I really scare you that much?"
"Hell yes!"

I sighed, then glued my eyes to the piano keys. I reached over, and stroked a couple of keys, and made a melody.

"You can play?"He asked.
"Ever since I was six I could play the piano. What about you?"
"S-since I was ten I could play. My parents made me study a lot of things when I was younger, and that included music."He admitted.
"They don't sound like nice people."I commented bluntly.
He chuckled."They really weren't. They probably still aren't nice people now. I didn't want to study anything at all. All I ever wanted to do was to run around, and be a pirate."

'A pirate? I can't really see him as one.'

"The things that I studied when I was younger, well I wanted to actually learn them."I said."I wanted to know how things worked in the world, mainly because I knew that somehow, if I gained enough knowledge about things, I could use it as a advantage."
"You sound like a smart girl."Sabo commented.
"I like to believe I was."

Sabo looked over at me, and moved over a bit so that I could sit down. I gladly took the seat next to him.

"I wanna see bow good you really are."Sabo said

(A/N:PIANO DUET COMING UUUPPP!!!! The green keys is when Arabella is playing and the red is for Sabo!!)

We both played in sync, and it sounded absolutely beautiful. His movements against the keys was flowing like a stream. It literally was music to my ears. Once we stopped playing, Sabo grinned at me, while I smirked.

"So did I pass his test?"I questioned.
He chuckled."With five gold stars."

Abruptly, I stood up. It was twelve in the morning, and I was already starting to feel tired. Sabo looked up at me, looking confused as to why I was standing up so soon.

"I'm afraid I must retire for the evening. It was good playing with you, Sabo."I said.
"I-It's alright..Miss Arabella."
I chuckled."Just Arabella."

I left the room, and went back to bed.

Sabo pov
I watched as Arabella left the room, and shut the door behind her. My lips twitched up into a smile, and I sighed. I could still remember how perfectly she played the piano just now. How her fingers would cleverly stroke each key like a feather. I will admit, I myself was having trouble keeping up with her playing. The way her eyes shone in the dim light haunted my mind.

"You really are something, Miss Moonlight..or should I say, Arabella."

'Arabella...what a exotic but beautiful name.'

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