Chapter 6:Meeting Dragon

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Arabella pov
Sabo knocked on Dragons door, and we heard a low voice bellow out:"Enter." We both walked in, and found the man himself:Monkey D Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary army. He looked intimidating, just as I expected. It literally felt like he was staring straight into my soul, like he was deciding whether or not I should live or die.

"Dragon-san, I've brought Arabella in."Sabo said.
Dragon nods."Good, Sabo. You may leave us."

'Wait, he's leaving me alone with him? For once in my life I'll say this:Don't you dare leave me alone, Sabo! I'll rip you up if you do!'

"I shall be waiting outside, call me if you need anything."Sabo bowed."Excuse me." And then, he marched out the door, leaving me alone with Dragon.
Dragon stared at me."Please take a seat, Miss Moonlight."

I obediently did as I was told, and sat down in the spare chair in front of his desk.
"So, you're Moonlight D Arabella, the Russian Doll."
"Yes, that is me."I answered.
Dragon hummed deeply."I have many questions for you. Firstly, why did you attack us?"
"I was assigned on a mission to infiltrate this vicinity to obtain some documents that I was told you had."I answered."It was the documents about the Moonlight Poneglyph."

"And who assigned you on this mission?"He asked.
"My....My Father did, s-sir."
"I'm sorry to say this, but we don't even have any documents about the Moonlight Poneglyph. I assume that these documents will help you find it, correct?"Dragon asked.
"Yes, that is correct. Our family needs to find it. It will help us unlock the truth about-"

'You shouldn't be talking about that! Thats a Moonlight sacred artifact! If he knows even as much as microscopic detail about it, then he will find out about it!'

"About what, Miss Moonlight?"Dragon asked.
"Its classified. Family business. I talked too much"I said.
"Okay then...can you at least tell me about this specific Poneglyph?"Dragon asked.
"The text written on the stone is supposed to tell us how we...get the object that we want, that is locked deep underneath the Moonlight family home. I was supposed to get the documents back to my Father, but.."

"You do realize, Miss Moonlight, that no one in the world, apart from one person, can read the Poneglyphs?" Dragon said.
"Yes, I do know that Nico Robin is the only one who can read them. But we Moonlights have our way of things."I explained.

"Okay....I have another question, why do you go after organizations? Does your Father also order you to do it?"

"That is something that I do on my own. While it is true that I get assigned mission by my Father, but I don't get a lot, someone else always gets them. The only reason why I get done missions is because I just happened to be in the area where the mission needs to happen. And yes, some organizations that I wipe out are ordered by my Father, others are because I deem them to be a threat. As for the Revolutionary army, I respect what you're aiming to do. I didn't want to kill the people that I did, infiltration plan had failed, and set the alarm. And...I'm sorry for what I did to those people. I know that sorry isn't enough at this point, but..."

Dragon raised his hand."I've heard enough. Miss Moonlight, if it helps you & your family out, I'll help you find the documents about the Moonlight Poneglyph. And when we find can be set free, and you can leave."

I almost jumped out of my chair."R-really?!"
"Yes. But you'll still be under close supervision by Sabo, and maybe Koala. Its just a precaution that I need to take."
I nod eagerly."Yes, I understand, Dragon-san! I can't thank you enough!"
"You're dismissed, Arabella."

I bowed respectively, and skilled out of his office. Sabo was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, and top hat inclined over his eyes. He loomed up at me, and pressed himself up off the wall.

"So?"He asked.
I grin."Dragon-san said that he's gonna help me!"
"Help you? Help you with what?"He asked.
"Find the important documents that I originally came here for. He said that when he finds them, then I'm allowed to leave this place for good!"I cheered.
Sabo raised an eyebrow at me."Really? Well, do we know where to start?"
"I dunno, but it'll be somewhere!"

Sabo pov
As soon as she mentioned her leaving, I could feel my eyebrows raise. What was it about that sentence made me feel...weird? Is it the fact that her leaving will make me go back to routine?

'What am I talking about? I'm sounding like that if she left, I'd miss her! Okay, maybe I'd miss her for a little while..its not like she's grown on me...has she?'

I was snapped back to reality when I saw Arabella waving her hand in from of me.
"Earth to the Chief of Staff! Wake up!"
"S-sorry..I just blacked out for a moment..."I muttered.
"Don't black out again, come on. We have a lot of work to do!"
"We?!"I asked.
"Well you're in this now, aren't you! Come on, I wanna get outta here!"

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