Chapter 1

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Another boring family vacation across the country. My family always goes on vacation to New Mexico and they always say that it's going to be fun. Nope. Every year I always end up getting left at the beach or having to sit in the baby pool and watch my younger siblings. They're two-year-old twin boys named Matthew and Michael.
"Brooklyn! I need you!" I heard my mom call to me.
I walked down stairs to the living room of our beach house.
"What do you need mom?" I asked.
"You, are going to boarding school." She told me.
"What? Why am I going to boarding school?" I asked her.
"Our family is... Magical!" She said.
"Okay, you have officially gone insane, I'm going back to my room." I said before running off.
"Don't forget to pack, you leave for school tomorrow!" She called after me.
"Sure, whatever mom." I called back sarcastically.
I went upstairs and sat down on my bed. Magic school? She has to be insane. I put a few clothes in a bag just in case tomorrow she yelled at me that we needed to leave now and me have nothing packed.
"Why am I even packing? I'm not going to some magic boarding school." I thought to myself.
I kept packing though, even though I was 99.9999% sure that my mom was going insane, she looked like she was telling the farthest thing from a lie. So I kept packing. It wasn't that hard because pretty much all if my stuff at the beach house is in a suitcase. I didn't like it here so I always counted down the days till we left.

~Next Day~

I woke up to my mom shaking my arm.
"Wake up! You're leaving for the school in and hour and a half!" She exclaimed.
I leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I knew that if we were running late my mom would not hesitate to cut some stuff out of my morning routine. Most often, breakfast and/or showering.
I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I put on a tank top that said 'Blame the Coffee', and ran downstairs. I ate my breakfast of a plain bagel with plain cream cheese, then ran back upstairs to grab my bags, phone and my phone charger.
"Brooke? Are you ready?" My mom asked.
"Yup! Coming right now!" I called back, while my suitcase bounced down the stairs.
"Put your things in the car, we need to leave soon." She told me.
I nodded.
I put my bags in the car then went inside to say goodbye to everyone.
I didn't know I was going, hopefully not to some kind of magic school.
Hopefully, after I leave today, I'll come back alive and get a peaceful summer like I've wanted for the past, 16 years of my life.
I got into the passenger seat right before my mom got into the car.
"Hold on. It might get a little bumpy." She said.
"What do you mean bumpy?" I asked.
"BLASTOFF!" She yelled, then we were flying.
We were flying. Really flying. I could see the town below us, people talking and shopping. Never thought that I would see New Mexico from this angle.

~A Couple Hours Later~

We were landing on a campus. It looked like a regular college campus. Maybe I was going insane too!
"Okay, so, go into the back door, then turn right. It's the fourth door on your left. Bye Sweetie!" My mom said before flying away again.
I opened the back door to the school that was, surprisingly, unlocked.
"She said to turn right." I told myself.
I turned right and counted the doors on the to four.
"Well, this is the fourth door. I hope I don't get stranded here." I said.
I opened the door and walked in. There was a lady at an official looking desk at one side of the room and a bunch of blue and pink swirling lights at the other side of the room.
"Are you, Brooklyn Stevens?" The lady asked.
"Yes." I answered uneasily.
"Okay, you can go through the portal." She told me.
"The what?" I asked.
"The portal, the swirling lights, you can go." She informed me.
I nodded, here goes nothing, I walked through the portal.

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