Chapter 4

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~•~A Few Days Later~•~

I had been at the school for a few days already and have already made some new friends. Cassie took me to the pool and we swam for a little while. I also learned that her full name is Cassidy, but like Addison she prefers her nickname.

Addison taught me a few simple spells so that on the first day of school I wouldn't be as confused. She likes to be called Addi, but I forget that a lot and call her by her first name.

Megan and Lizzie told me about how they had met Addi and about how they are Nightcrawlers.

Nicole took me to the orientation so that I wouldn't have to sit alone. The orientation in general was pretty boring. It didn't talk about magic at all. They literally just talked about dress code and stuff for an hour.

Beepbeepbeepbeep! Beepbeepbeepbeep!

My alarm clock went off. It was 6:00 in the morning. Classes start at 7:15 so I didn't have to wake up at 5:00 like I did at my old school.

Nicole is a really heavy sleeper and most of the time she won't wake up to the alarm clock.

"Nicole! Wake up!" I half yelled so I wouldn't wake up the people in the rooms around me.

She didn't even move.

"Nicole! If you don't wake up I'll go get some cold water." I told her.

She was out if bed in an instant.

"Please don't! You're not that cruel." She begged.

"Well, as long as you don't go back to sleep in the next 10 minutes then I won't have to get water." I said.

I grabbed light blue 3 quarter sleeve shirt, a pair of jean shorts, plain white socks and black converse with white dots on them.

I could see Nicole grabbing clothes fast because when I was in the bathroom I did everything I needed to do in there in one trip. I started walking towards the door but she ran and got in before me.

I could here her laughing on the other side of the door.

"Could you at least give me my hairbrush?" I asked.

She opened the door and tossed me the brush then closed it again.

I didn't need to shower so I just brushed my hair and got dressed. I'm not the kind of person to try and look like I was trying to impress someone. Even if I'm not. So I just pulled my hair up into a pony tail and left it like that. I grabbed my bag and my schedule.

"Nicole. I'm leaving." I said.

"Bye." I heard her say over the blowdryer she was using after her shower.

My first class was chemistry or in magic speak potion making. I met with Addi, Cassie, Megan and Lizzie at breakfast.

"Where's Nikki?" Megan asked.

(A/N Please don't ask why almost all of the names end with an 'e' sound.)

"She got into the bathroom first this morning." I told them.

They all said 'oh' because they understand that I get to the bathroom first all the time.

After breakfast I had to go to my first class. Nicole (Nikki?) and Lizzie were in the class with us.

"Today class, we will be making a gibberish potion. If you make it right you can make someone talk in gibberish for the next hour.

The teacher, Mr. Smith, handed out the papers with the ingredients on the and then we began.

I got partnered with a girl named Bianca. She told me while we were making the potion that she was 15 and that she was a genie.

We finished the potion and Mr. Smith told one of each pair to drink the potion.

Before we could even talk about it Bianca grabbed the glass.

"I got it. If you want to do it you can but most people don't want to." She said.

"Okay, if you are okay with this then go for it." I told her.

She drank the potion and looked at me.

"Goo mlrya ha." She said.

"Yes! It worked!" I exclaimed.

Mr. Smith walked over. "Great job girls. You both get an A."

He said kind of chant and walked away.

"Wow. At least I don't need to spend the next hour of classes talking gibberish." She whispered, relieved.

"Well then, I think we need to go to our next class." I said, grabbing my bag and walking to the door.

Double update! Oh yeah! Double update!

So yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm posting this chapter now because I haven't updating this story in 8 days and I want to make up for lost time and yeah. See you guys (or girls) next time. Bye!

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