Chapter 15

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*Brooklyn's POV*

"I don't think they're on campus." I said after the light of the sun started to subside.

"I think you're right, want to sleep in my room tonight so that no tries to kidnap us while they're away?" Cassie asked me.

"Sure, I'd love too." I replied.

We walked back to the girls dormitory with some of the teachers giving us weird looks. We didn't think much of it, at least I didn't, until we got back to Cassie's dorm.

"Do you think that it was some of the teachers?" I asked.

"Maybe that's why they gave us weird looks, they're planning to get us, or Megan and Lizzie tonight." Cassie agreed.

We looked out into the hallway to make sure that they wouldn't see us before running across the hall to Megan and Lizzie's room.

'I really hope that they're not kidnapped already.' I thought.

We walked in to see an empty room. "Maybe they're not back yet?" I said.

"It's 9:00 at night, why would they still be out?" Cassie asked.

"Okay then, maybe if we stay in here they won't find us." I replied.

She nodded at me as to say 'good idea' before she walked over to Megan's bed. I walked over to the door and locked it.

"Hopefully, they don't think to look in here." I whispered.

We went to sleep, but it was hard because we kept hearing the teachers walking by the room.

~2 Hours Later~

The door swung open, Cassie and I sat up to see two teachers, holding Bianca, walk in. Cassie stood up and just kicked one in the nose, then in the back of the head. I didn't have much time to think so I grabbed a water bottle and threw it at him. He laughed, but only for a second because Cassie used her magical kick thing again.

"Okay, did you take karate or something." Bianca asked.

"Nope, ballet." Cassie answered. "We might want to get out of here."

We ran across the hall to Cassie's room so that she could get a few things, then we went to my room and finally Bianca's room.

We snuck into the kitchen to get some food, but it wasn't that easy.

"Well, well, well. Good job girls. I thought that those guys would be able to catch you." It was the head master.

"What do you want with us?" Cassie asked.

"Oh, just to keep you quiet, I know what Ms. Martinez told you, and I have her and your friends locked up. Now surrender, or get sleeping gas. It's your choice." He said.

"Actually, you forgot one." I stated.

"What's that?" He asked tauntingly.

I ran at him, Cassie got the memo and was right behind me. I kicked his feet out from under him and then did a front walkover over him. Cassie did her thing and he was out cold, with a possible concussion.

"Nice, where did you learn that?" Bianca asked.

"I took karate and gymnastics." I answered.

"Okay, we need to go..." Cassie told us after she had gotten some food and water from the kitchen.

Authors Note: Thank you guys so much for 300 reads!!! Also, does anyone else pronounce karate 'Karotay' like spongebob? Anyone? Just me? Okay, if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and my other book Don't Look Back is out so you should go read that series. Bye!

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