Chapter 2

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I walked through the swirling lights and the first thing I thought was,
"Great, colorful candy land."

The lights subsided and I was standing in front of a large building.

"New students! Please come see me!" A man yelled.

I walked over to him.

"Hi, I'm Brooklyn Stevens, this is my first day." I told him.

"Welcome, to 'Miss Magic's School for the Gifted!' How experienced are you magic?" He asked.

"Well, umm, absolutely 0%" I answered.

"Okay then. That's okay. We take beginners. You dorm room number is in this packet along with the key to the room and your schedule." He told me.

"Thank you!" I said before walking away.

I sat on a bench and looked through the folder. My dorm room was number 125.

I also found a map in the folder. I looked at the map to see which building was for rooms and which were for classes.

According to the map the dorm building was right in front of me. So I walked to the door and walked in.

The first thing I noticed when I walked inside was the smell. I didn't smell bad, but the scent of the air was different than most, it had a hint of peppermint and some lemongrass mixed in.

I pushed my way through the crowd of people talking in the lobby and went to find room 125.

It took about 15 minutes even with the map because of the traffic, but I finally found it.

I opened the door an saw another girl standing with her back to me.

"Hi, I'm Brooklyn. I guess we're roomies." I said.

Then I mentally kicked myself for saying 'roomies.'

"Hi!" The girl turned around. She had brown hair and brown eyes. "I'm Nicole!"

"Which side of the room is mine?" I asked.

"The right side." Nicole told me.

I walked over to the bed and plopped my things down. In the folder I got it said that on the first day they had an assembly for the new kids.

"Hey, is this your first year here?" I asked Nicole.

"Nope, I was here last year." Nicole answered. "Want to meet some of my friends?"

"Sure. When?" I asked.

"They should be here soon." She answered.

There was a knock on the door and Nicole opened it.

"Come in!" She said, then she turned to me. "This is Addison, but she likes to be called Addi, this is Cassie, and this is Lizzie."

"Hi!" They all said in unison.

"Hi!" I replied.

"Oh, Megan is in our room. Should we go see her?" Lizzie asked.

"Brooklyn, do you want too?" Nicole asked me.

"Sure!" I said happily.

It's my first day here, I've been here for 5 minutes and I've already made friends. We walked out of the room and down the hall. Lizzie and Megan's room was just down the hall in room 228.

Lizzie opened the door.

"Megan. We brought some friends." She whispered.

We all walked into the room and tried not to make too much noise.

"She has a headache and no Advil or anything." Lizzie told us.

"Oh, I have some." Cassie said. "I'll be right back."

She came back about 30 seconds later with a bottle of Advil and a cup of water. She put them on the bedside table.

Megan took the medicine and sat up. "Hey friends! And new friend!" She said.

I waved. "Hi, I'm Brooklyn."

"Well then, nice to meet you Brooklyn. Cassie thank you for the medicine." Megan said.

"I'm going to go back the the room and start unpacking." I said.

"Okay. See you later!" Nicole said.

I said goodbye to everyone else and then walked down the hall back to my room.

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