Chapter 18

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*Cassie's POV*

I sat strait up. I spit the water I was drinking out and looked over at Brooklyn.

"I am so proud of you. You came out. Yassssss!" I don't really know what I was doing.

"Wow, okay, I didn't think that this would be your reaction. Mostly, the "yassssss" part I wasn't expecting." Brooklyn answered.

"Sorry, let me calm down. Have you told anyone else?" I asked.

"No, you're the first person." She told me.

"Okay, I'm honored, but shouldn't you tell your mom, your family?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I want to tell them in person. I haven't seen them since I found out." She said.

"We should probably keep moving, Bianca can show up at any time." I helped Brooklyn stand up before we began walking again.

We made it to the road, not far away from the school, where at least 30 teachers were scouting the area.

"Lets not go that way." I suggested.


So we kept walking, it was kind of hard to not step on twigs. Not only were we trying to stay in the forest, but we were trying to stay outside of campus at the same time.

"Brooklyn? Did you hear that?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah." Brooklyn whispered back.

I heard a gunshot, it was loud, meaning that Bianca was probably close. We stopped in our tracks when we heard talking.

"I saw them go this way!" Bianca said loudly.

"Then WHERE ARE THEY!" A man yelled back, the Headmaster.

"Somewhere around here. You go search over there." I guess she pointed a different direction. "I'll search over here."

I looked over a Brooklyn, she looked back and I pointed up at the tree we were hiding behind. She got my message and began to climb. Once she was up, I started to climb up. We hid in the leaves, hoping that Bianca or the Headmaster wouldn't see us.

"Oh girls? Cassie? Brooklyn? I know that you're over here." Bianca called out in a sing-song voice.

I could see Brooklyn beside me, scared out of her mind. I put a finger to my lips to tell her to be quiet, she nodded, but not three seconds of agreeing to be quiet, she feel off of her branch and screamed. A full out scream, she was falling out of the tree. Of course, Bianca heard and looked at the tree, seeing Brooklyn fall.

"Perfect! Thanks for making this easier for me!" Bianca exclaimed, Brooklyn was laying on the ground, breathing heavily.

Bianca grabbed her clip, turned it into a handgun, and aimed. Everything happened in slow motion, Brooklyn sat up looking dazed, she saw Bianca, and screamed as the bullet came at her, before falling limp on the ground.

"Nooooooooooo!" I yelled. I had just witnessed my best friend die.

I climbed down the tree and ran over to her while crying. Bianca was laughing! She was a sick human being, who the hell laughs when she just killed someone?

My hands began to glow, blue light was surrounding Brooklyn, her wound was healing, she started to breathe again.

"What are you doing?! You are ruining EVERYTHING!" Bianca screamed.

"I don't know!" I yelled back.

Brooklyn sat up. She was fine, other than the fact that she had just died.

"You!" She pointed at Bianca, no one saw it coming.

Brooklyn is usually, very calm and nonviolent, this was a very different Brooklyn. She stood up walked up to Bianca who was standing there open mouthed, and punched her in the jaw.

"Wow, that was new." I said.

"She deserved it." Brooklyn replied.

"Nice, shall we keep moving?" I asked.

"Yes, we shall." She responded.

We didn't need to worry about Bianca. She was passed out on the ground. But, it won't always be easy trying to save our friends...

Authors Note: Okay, so this book is done, but the sequel will be out sometime in the next two months. Thank you so much for reading and if you like this chapter, be sure to vote. Thank you guys so much for also getting this book to 800 reads, that is unbelievable! Bye!

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