Chapter 16

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*Cassie's POV*

We didn't know where we were going, but we were running, occasionally looking behind us to see if anyone was following us.

"I don't know how much longer I can run." Bianca told us, gasping for breath.

"We can probably stop somewhere around here." I answered.

The campus was huge, we also had no way of knowing where we were.

There was a tree, about 60 meters ahead of us, but not just any tree.

"Guys, it's a pixie tree, we should go over and see if they'll help us." Brooklyn said.

We quickly ran over to it. "Hello? Pixies?" Bianca asked.

A tiny light went on, right in the middle of the tree. "Yes, I am Queen Zizzle. Queen of thy pixies." The light said. Of course it was a pixie. (Duh.)

"Queen Zizzle? Do you think that you have enough magic to hide us for a while. Like a cloaking spell?" I asked.

"Hmmm, let me check, yes. But it will wear off in about an hour and a half." She stated.

"Thank you. Can I call you Zizzy?" I asked, jokingly.

"No, and if you call me 'Zizzy' I will not give you the magic." She told us.

We nodded in understanding.

Now, hold still." Queen Zizzle, (Zizzy), instructed us.

I felt myself sinking, not actually into the ground, but in a sort of relaxing way, all the stress was being taken off my shoulders. The relaxation stopped suddenly, all the stress was dropped right back on my shoulders.

"It... uh... it seems that our well of magic has gone dry, you will only be covered for at most, 15 minutes at least, 2 minutes. I suggest you leave now.

And that's when the world started to crash...

Authors Note: Ayyyyyy! It's been a while. Sorry for the long delay, I have dance on Mondays now so I think I'll be updating on Wednesday from now on. Thank you for reading and don't forget, if you like this chapter to vote and if you like a lot of my stories you can follow me! Bye!


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