Chapter 11

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Slowly, the door opened.

Ms. Martinez poked her head out if the room. "I knew someone would come."

"Hi, please don't tell the principle that we're here." Addi pleaded.

"I won't, but we need to talk, lets go somewhere else." She walked out and led us to a picnic table on the edge of campus. "The principle or if you want to be all official," she said with a mocking tone, "about it, Head Master, has some sort if plan with us teachers. I was the first to go, there may be more, maybe even students like you that try to investigate."

"What do we do then? We can't just ignore the fact that teachers are going missing." Megan questioned.

"You can find out what to do, you have a mermaid and a genie working with you. Also 3 Nightcrawlers, a daughter of a powerful sorceress and Nikki." She told us.

"First of all; Hey! Second of all; What do you mean sorceress. Brooke, do you know about this?" Nicole asked.

"Kinda, I talked to Cassie and she said that my mom could be Maleficent or the Evil Queen." I said.

"Well then, we know who your mom is. In the magical world, when a woman has a daughter, she inherits things such as hair and eye color. Maleficent had blonde hair and brown eyes." Ms. Martinez stated.

I couldn't believe it. Of all the years I had lived with my mother she had never once said anything about her magical powers or being, maybe still kinda, evil.

"Hey Brooke? Brooklyn? Are you okay?" I stumbled a little but Lizzie caught me. "Guys something's wrong!"

"It's Maleficent's curse. I thought it was a legend, but it's real." Everything went black.

*Cassie's POV*

(This is probably the only time I'm going to switch perspectives in the middle of a chapter.)

"What's going on!" I said, almost screaming.

"There is a legend that when a daughter of Maleficent begins to understand and control their powers, that they could lose their magic, but still pass it on, they could die, or what's the last one." Ms. Martinez stated.

"Wait! Die!" Nikki exclaimed.

"Oh, or they could go into a coma that last for a week once they find out who their parent is. Most likely that one." She told us.

"Well then, can't we just speed up the sleeping time?" Megan asked.

"No, because of the curse, Maleficent enchanted a charm, that will most likely be hard to find, that will block all time, extraction of powers and evil magic from touching her. Most if the time, the charm will need to be broken, and it will be very hard to find." She informed us.

"Great to know, so we just take her to our room and let her sleep?" Nikki asked.

" Yeah, when she wakes up she most likely won't remember what happened so you will need to tell her. I must go now." Then she was gone, into the mist.

"Don't worry Brooke, we'll keep you safe." I whispered.

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