Chapter 7

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*Nicole's POV*
I walked out of the dorm room and and started heading towards the library where Lizzie, Addi and I were going to study. I was just about to turn my phone off when I noticed that I had a text from my mom, in Australia.

Mom: Call me, we need to have a serious discussion.

I knew why she told me to call her, she didn't want to call me in the middle of one of my classes. I decided that I could call her while is was walking.

Ring. Ring.

She picked up after 2 rings.

(Nicole's part is in bold.)

"Hi honey."

"Hi mom, what's up."

"You need to come home."

I spit out my coffee and dropped a few of the books I was carrying.


"Your sister, she got into a car accident yesterday. She is sleeping still but should wake up soon."

"Okay. I'll be there soon."

I ended the call and shut my phone down. By that time I was already in the ELA building so I ran to the bathroom. My sister, Jennifer, was only 18 and one of my closest friends.

I didn't care that I was supposed to be in the library. I jut cried. I knew that my friends might be worried about me but I needed some time to calm down.

I don't know how long I was in the bathroom. I just know that I sat on the toilet for a while. Sometimes crying and other times trying to get everything together.

I walked out of the bathroom, still sniffling and saw Brooklyn, Addi and Lizzie walking away from the bathroom. They heard me and turned around.

"Oh my god! Nicole? What's wrong?" Lizzie asked urgently.

"I have to leave school. And I won't be able to come back for a while, I don't know how long." I said.

"Why?" Addi gave me a hug and walked me over to them.

"My sister, she... something bad happened, and now I have to go home. To Australia." I started crying again.

"It's okay. Do you know what happened exactly?" Lizzie asked. Addi hit her arm when she said it.

I didn't want to talk about it right now, not even with my closest friends so I didn't tell then a out the car crash.

"No. I have to go back to Australia but I don't even know what for." I told them. "Hopefully it's not too bad and I can come back in a week or two."

They walked with me back to Brooklyn and mines dorm room.

It could be worse. She could have died in a plane crash or something." Lizzie stated. Addi and Brooklyn gave her a dirty look."Oh... I'm not helping, am I?"

"Nope, don't want to be mean but seriously, you had to bring that up now." Brooklyn said.

"Yeah, I'm just going to take her back to her room, really quick... bye." Then Addi ran off while dragging Lizzie behind her.

"Maybe next time lets not, invite Lizzie." Brooklyn joked.

"Maybe we can still talk and stuff on the phone." I suggested.

"Time zones." Brooklyn answered.

"Okay, we can try something else. Thank you for being an amazing friend." I hugged her. "I have to go in the next 10 minutes."

"Okay, let's get packing."

It didn't take as long to pack as I thought it would. By eight minutes we were already standing in front of the portal that would take me back to Australia.

"I'm gonna miss you Nikki." Brooklyn whispered.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I might be back in a couple days so it won't be too long. Also, you've never called me Nikki before." I said, giggling a little.

"Well, I thought now was a good time to use your nick name." She told me. Laughing a little bit.

I hugged her. "See you soon." Then I walked through the portal.

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