Chapter 5

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My second class of the day was ELA. The headmaster said that we will have some normal classes mixed in with our magic classes. I want to be an author when I'm older so I signed up for a writing class. The teacher's name was Mrs. Martinez.

"Class, we are going to be writing a book report for our first project. I assume all of you have done one if these in the past so lets get started." She said.

Inside the English building was a library, so we just walked across the hall to it.

"You can choose any fantasy book about magic to write the report on." She told us.

I saw Megan across the room. I walked down an isle and saw a bunch of books about mermaids.

"Cool, my people!" Cassie said behind me. It seemed that I had at least one of them in each of my classes.

"What do you mean, "my people?" I asked.

"Oh, you know the story about 'The Little Mermaid,' that's my mom." She told me while grabbing the book from the shelf.

"As far as I know my mom could be the Evil Queen." I joked.

"It is possible. The Evil Queen and Maleficent went missing like 20 years ago." She said, handing me the books 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'.

I chose 'Sleeping Beauty' and walked up to the librarian.

"Good choice. Sad, yet romantic, and one of the most interesting mysteries of the fairy tale world."

"Thanks." I walked up to Megan and Cassie.

Megan was holding a book called 'The Thirteen Treasures' and Cassie was holding 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.'

"Okay, class is over. I'll see all if you tomorrow." Ms. Martinez said.

Everyone started shuffling towards the door and walking to their next class.

"See you soon!" Megan said before she turned around a corner.

I checked my schedule and as that I had training for my next class. The ELA building was right next door so I could be there pretty quickly.

[After Class]

I was back in my room reading 'Sleeping Beauty.'

"Coffee break?" Nicole said as she walked in the room with two cups of coffee in her hand.

"Sure. I could use some coffee." I answered, grabbing my cup from her hand.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Homework. I have to read this book then write a report on it." I told her.

"Okay, I'll back off and let you do your work." She walked out the door, probably to Megan or Cassie's room.

I continued reading the book until I heard a knock on the door.

Lizzie and Addison burst into the room.

"Have you seen Nicole?" Lizzie asked.

"Umm, yeah, like 45 minutes ago she brought me some coffee." I said.

"She was supposed to meet us in the library to study but she never showed up." Addi asked.

"I'll help you look for her." I grabbed my bag and we rushed out of the room.

Authors Note: Okay, so, I would just like to clarify that the 'Sleeping Beauty' book is not the original and if you don't know what the original is its completely different. This one is more along the Disney version. Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter and I will hopefully see you soon! Bye!

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