Chapter 17

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*Brooklyn's POV*

Okay, so here's the problem. (Or problems.)

1. We are on the run from evil school people's who want us dead.

2. We are on the run with barely enough food for 1 person, and there are three of us.

3. We are the only three left of our friends.

4. Our other friends got kidnapped by the evils people.

5. I think I'm going insane.

"Brooklyn, why can't we just teleport back to the kitchen?" Bianca asked for the millionth time.

"How do we know that no one is guarding it, if they catch us, we're dead." I answered.

"Fine." I hear her mumble, quietly, under her breath. I know that she's going to do something, but I don't know when or how.

We continue walking. By now we are off campus, but, close enough that the evil school people could still find and capture us.

"Oh my god. We're being followed!" Cassie exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know the listening spell, I've been using it for a little while, they know where we are." She answered.


"Bianca. She's a spy for them. I should have known, how you wanted to go back to school for food, you were setting us up." Cassie said.

Bianca was just standing there, a smirk on her lips.

"Well, it's not my fault that you guys are too stupid to notice some things. Why do you think I volunteered to keep watch every night. Now, your end has come." Bianca told us, her voice sounded like she was trying not to laugh.

"We trusted you." I choked out. I was on the verge of tears, one of the only people I thought I could trust had betrayed me, us.

Bianca pulled out a hair clip from her pocket.

"What's that for, pulling our hair out of our faces before we die?" Cassie asked.

"No, you see, I know a lot of spells you don't. Like this one," the clip turned into a handgun, "a cloaking spell."

That's when I lost it. I grabbed Cassie's arm and ran, I don't know where I was going or how close Bianca was, that is, if she was following us.

"Brooklyn, she's not following us. We should change direction." Cassie whispered.

We turned a little to the left and kept running, doing our best not to step on the leaves that had fallen out of the trees during the autumn season. We ran for maybe 10 minutes before stopping.

"Do you think that she bugged us, to find out where we are or what we say?" I asked.

"It's possible, we should go through our things to look for them." She insisted.

I nodded and took off my small backpack.

I looked through my clothes and found nothing. I finally felt something, under the folds of my blanket. It was a bug.

"I found one." I told Cassie.

"Me too, in the pocket of my coat." I quickly checked my coat before standing up.

"We should go-" I stopped short, not knowing if Bianca. Could hear us with the bug. I motioned for Cassie to follow me, we found an empty log and placed our bugs in it.

Still silent, we walked away about a quarter mile before talking.

"That was crazy." I whispered.

"Yeah, I really hope we only had one bug." Cassie replied.

"I can't believe that Bianca would betray us." I said.

Cassie doesn't reply.

I have this one secret, it's driving me crazy. I haven't told anyone, even though in know that it would probably help.

"Hey Cassie?" I asked.

"Yeah." She answers.

"I'm bisexual." I whispered.

Authors Note: This is for not uploading for a while. There will be another chapter on Wednesday. Cliff hanger!!!! Muhahahaha!!! Thank you for reading and if you like this chapter don't forget to vote. Bye!

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