Chapter 14

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*Cassie's POV*

When I woke up, sun was streaming through the window and covering the room in golden light. I sleepily rubbed my eyes.

"Addi?" I asked as I yawned.

I got no answer and when I looked over she was gone. 'She must have gone to breakfast.' I thought.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time. "Oh. My. God." It was already 10:00 a.m. "How long was I asleep?"

I quickly got dressed and went to Megan and Lizzie's room.

I knocked on the door, when I got no answer I opened the door a little to see if they were in there.

When I walked in I quickly noticed that they were both sound asleep. The shades we drawn tightly, so that no light could get in and the purple comforter on Lizzie's bed was twisted in weird ways all over the bed suggesting that she was having or had a nightmare.

I didn't want to wake them up so I walked out of the room to head to the brunch special that the school had on weekends.

I asked around to see if anyone knew where Addi was, but no one knew.

I walked around school a little bit, hoping to find her with no such luck. I had looked everywhere. The gym, the library, all of the classrooms, the mess hall twice and the coffee shop.

I wasn't sure if Brooklyn and Nicole were still sleeping, but I didn't want to just barge into another room.

I decided that I could get a quick coffee and then continue looking. I sat at the table with my caramel mocha latte and decided to text her.

The message instantly bounced back, why was her number disconnected. While I was sitting there, pondering where to look next, Brooklyn walked in.

She ran up to me when she walked in. "Have you seen Nicole?"

"No I haven't," I replied, "I'm looking for Addi right now."

"Did you wake up with her gone and nothing like a note telling you where she was or something?" She asked.

"Yeah, her phone is also disconnected for some reason. I tried to text her and the message just bounced back." I explained to her.

"Something's going on, and it's not good." She whispered.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to be spies and sorceresses today." I told her.

She cracked a smile, but didn't laugh or even giggle like she usually does at random times, I could tell this was not very easy for her.

"The first question we need to answer. Why would they go through so much trouble to make sure that we couldn't find them?"

Authors Note: I know. I know. Before you go yelling at me that Nicole's missing for the second time, just let me tell you that I know what's going to happen in the next few chapters. Also, I am changing the update schedule on this book because I'm in two honors classes this year and I have a lot of homework. I will only be updating this book on Mondays now. I hope that this is okay and I'll see you all next time! Bye!

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