Chapter 9

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*Nicole's POV*

Jennifer had woken up not long after I got home. She was doing a lot better, but she had a minor concision.

"Nikki, is that you?" She asked when I walked into the room.

"Yeah, I heard what happened and came to see you." I replied, trying not to sound too empathetic.

"Mom made you come home, didn't she." She said.

"You got me, but I did want to come see you." I told her. "I'm going back to school tomorrow."


I walked into the swirling lights ready to see all of my friends again, when I emerged they were all waiting for me.

"Okay, when I said I was coming back today I didn't think you would all be waiting for me." I said.

"Oh, well we're waiting for Bianca." Brooklyn said, jokingly.

"Dude, she's standing right behind you." I walked over to them.

I had never really hung out with Bianca but, we have talked before. I gave them all hugs and we began walking back to the dormitories.

"A bunch of the teachers have been getting sick and stuff lately." Cassie whispered to me.

"What do you mean." I asked.

"The day you left we had the morning off because a bunch of the teachers were getting sick. Each day since then there have been more, but none of the kids have gotten it." She told me.

"What do they have? It doesn't seem possible that the kids couldn't get it." I stated, clearly confused.

"First the school said that they had the flu, then that they had strep throat, then the stomach bug. They keep changing what the teachers have when we ask."

"That, is super sketchy."

"Yup, and we're gonna get to the bottom of it."

[That Night]

I checked my phone. 11:58. Cassie and Addi would be here soon. Brooklyn and I were sitting on the floor between our beds, drinking soda that I had brought from home.

knock knock.

There were two quiet knocks on the door. I got up and opened it.

"We need to leave fast. The Head Master has people patrolling the halls." Addi told us.

I motioned to Brooklyn to come and we walked down the hall to Megan and Lizzie's room.

Cassie told Lizzie the same thing that Addi told me and we left. We decided not to bring flash lights because they might draw attention to us. We took turns looking around the corners to make sure that no one was there.

"Guys, maybe we should just run to the door. It's right there." Megan suggested.

So we ran, but before we made it to the door a light was shined on us.

"We're dead. I'll remember you guys in heaven." Brooklyn said.

The footsteps kept getting closer and closer, until the person was right behind us...

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