Chapter 6

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Have you seen Nicole?" Lizzie asked.

"Umm, yeah, like 45 minutes ago she brought me some coffee." I said.

"She was supposed to meet us in the library to study but she never showed up." Addi asked.

"I'll help you look for her." I grabbed my bag and we rushed out of the room.

Lizzie, Addi and I walked into the hall. On the floor down the hall was Nicole's math textbook.

Addi ran over and picked up the book. "We were going to work on chemistry so I don't know why this is on the floor."

"Maybe there is a spell we can cast to find her." I suggested.

"I know where we can look." Addi said. She led us out if the dormitories and to the library. "If anywhere, we can find a spell book here."

We looked in the chemistry section and found nothing. We even looked in the old book section with all of the books that no one read or the teachers didn't use anymore.

"Can I help you ladies with anything?" The librarian asked.

"Yeah, um, sure. We're looking for Nicole. She was supposed to be here like an hour ago but never showed up." Lizzie told her.

"Oh, Nicole Andrews? She ran by here about an hour ago." She told us while pointing in the direction that she ran.

"Okay, thank you!" Addi said.

We ran down the hall. There was nothing in the hallway but the classroom, a few lockers for people who needed to store stuff and the bathrooms.

"Okay then, maybe she left. I don't think she would be in the bathroom for over an hour. Maybe we should go back to our room." I said.

We started walking back down the hall until we heard a sniffle behind us, and there was Nicole. She had red eyes and mascara running down her face like she had been crying.

"Oh my god! Nicole? What's wrong?" Lizzie asked urgently.

"I have to leave school. And I won't be able to come back for a while, I don't know how long." She said.

"Why?" Addi gave her a hug and walked her over to us.

"My sister, she... something bad happened, and now I have to go home. To Australia." She started crying again.

"It's okay. Do you know what happened exactly?" Lizzie asked. Addi hit her arm when she said it.

"No. I have to go back to Australia but I don't even know what for." She told us. "Hopefully it's not too bad and I can come back in a week or two."

We walked her back to our dorm room and sat on the bed with her.

"It could be worse. She could have died in a plane crash or something." Lizzie stated. Addi and I looked at her and gave her that 'What in the actual hell is wrong with you' look."Oh... I'm not helping, am I."

"Nope, don't want to be mean but seriously, you had to bring that up now." I said.

"Yeah, I'm just going to take her back to her room, really quick... bye." Then Addi ran off while dragging Lizzie behind her.

"Maybe next time lets not, invite Lizzie." I joked.

"Maybe we can still talk and stuff on the phone." Nicole suggested.

"Time zones." I said.

"Okay, we can try something else. Thank you for being an amazing friend." She hugged me. "I have to go in the next 10 minutes."

"Okay, let's get packing."

Authors Note: I am going to try and not swear in this book very much, maybe occasionally and if its not too bad. Thank you for reading this chapter! If you liked it make sure to vote and I'll see you guys next time.

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