Chapter 14 1/2

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*3rd Person POV*

There they sat. Two girls. One with dark brown hair, the other with blonde ombré hair.

Footsteps. The footsteps of their kidnapper came closer. Until they were standing right in front of the two girls.

"WAKE UP!" The man yelled, the stone room shook and tiny pieces of rock fell from the ceiling.

The girl with brown hair stirred a little. She shook her head and tried to get her hands up to rub her eyes.

"Don't try to escape, you won't like me very much then." The person said. The masculine voice sounded familiar, but in her drowsy state the girl didn't realize.

"What, do you, want." She was still trying to break the ropes.

"I know that you two have been investigating with some of your friends. Tell me who they are and no one gets hurt." He said.

"Liar. You don't care how many people you hurt to get what you want." The other girl said as she started to wake up.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to make you tell us..."

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