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Ivory doors trimmed with gold slammed open and every God and Goddess was at attention. Hera was the first to see Poseidon's face, he was fuming, of all the foul acts that Zeus has committed, this by far was the worst.

"Poseidon, what a pleasant surprise" Hera spoke anxiously, extending a hand toward him. "We weren't expecting you"

"Where is he?" his voice echoed throughout Mount Olympus. "Move!"

Zeus sat on his gilded throne in a relaxed state; a smirk on his face because his decades of meddling had finally payed off.

Hades sat in the corner of Zeus' kingdom, sulking as usual. He was to act as a mediator to this situation. As much as he hated Zeus and his constant meddling, Poseidon broke the ultimate commandment.

Gods and Goddess are forbidden to fall in love with  humans; they were free to mate as they pleased, purely under the responsibility of pro-creating. It was a rule created and decided on equally in the days after the defeat of Kronos.

Love is a mutual occurrence, they survived on the love and praise the humans gave through worship and offerings. In return the God's would bless them with gifts.

And because of this Zeus had no remorse when it came to other Gods and Goddesses breaking his rules and only Zeus had immunity from these rules.

"What have you done?!"

The rage was clear on his face and it did not help that Zeus was still relaxed and still smirking.

"I have restored balance and fixed your mistake like I always do. You should be thanking me"

"I should be thanking you?!" fury was not the right word to describe Poseidon's anger. "She is an innocent, what did she ever do to you!"

"This is your fault, you became distracted, you shirked responsibility, you forgot what it meant to be a God."

Hades waited patiently for his turn to speak, "Brothers, why must we fight over one human life?"

"She is not just a human, and Zeus knew that!" Poseidon's rage shifted back to Zeus, "And you with all of your wisdom, you continued to concern yourself in my affairs."

"Poseidon you are a God. Pick another human, lay with her, and move forward"

Zeus still unaffected by his meddling and Celene's well-being did not sway him.

As God of the heavens, Zeus could hear the prayers of Celene and her family, all asking for forgiveness and some sort of clarity. But Celene's father prayed for another child, he thought the only way to console his wife's remorse was to create another life.

Honestly, all of Mount Olympus heard their desperate prayers but none had the ability to stand against Zeus.

"You will not get away with this Zeus, I swear it!"

With his last booming words Poseidon stormed out of Mount Olympus and traveled to the human world below.

If any harm had been inflicted to Celene, Poseidon would do everything in his power to turn back the hands of time.

No one was going to stop Poseidon from loving this human, he was hers and she was his.

sorry for being M.I.A but this is just a filler chapter, the next one will have much more action and you'll find out what's happening with celene!!! oooooh.

until next time x

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