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The sun beat down on her skin, depriving her body of oxygen and water. The dirt caked on her skin distorted her complexion, she walked for miles on end in excruciating pain.

Her captures reveled in her pain with the rope binding her hands together, making her look more vulnerable than she already was. They had their own plans for her and none of them were innocent.

As they reached the palace of Amphictyon, Celene looked up once more to the heavens, pleading for salvation. Celene's destiny was now forever altered. Hundreds of dirt covered peasants shuffled around with their heads cast downward.

Only a select amount of townspeople were dressed in silk garments adorned in more colors than Celene had ever thought possible.

She was marched solemnly toward the King's palace, her life so far was flashing before her and her future was now in the hands of King she had never even met.

King Amphictyon never associated himself with the affairs of the slaves in his kingdom, that was his wife's job to choose the help and produce children. Sitting on his golden throne the King's eyes followed the dirty maiden.

The rags on her sun stained skin slumped against her shoulders and the rope tightened against her wrists each time she was pulled forward. Her eyes downcast and lifeless, counting each step she took. Anything to keep her mind distracted from the events soon to unfold.

King Amphicyton's wife, Galia, approached the slave girl with a confident yet uninterested gaze. The girls hands were turned over and examined carefully but the Queen herself, noticed that although they were dirty-they were dainty. And hands like this would go to waste in the mines.

The mines was a pit in the middle of the Earth. Slaves that were sent to the mines were not sold at auction, it was a last resort for the dammed souls of Greece.

"Girl what is your name?"

"Celene" she replied meekly without making eye contact, it was a sign of respect toward her Queen.

"Your hands will break working in the dammed mines, you shall serve me better as a hand maiden."

"Yes, my Queen"

Amphicyton stood quietly; half listening to his advisors panic over the oracles recent prediction; watching the scene before him unfold. This new slave peaked his interest and he swore to the God's that she could put Aphrodite herself to shame.

She was younger than his wife and her body was still supple and firm like a virgin, untouched and ready for him. This girl would be his new interest and she would be the one to warm his bed at night.

Zeus smiled down again at his work, finally this human knew her place.

beneath a king, not a God.

yes this is short

yes i am in university & very busy

but i felt like we all deserved a win.

love you

love you

love you.

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