21. We're Not Hurting Anybody

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Kellin's Pov:

I wake up rubbing my eyes rolling over on the couch where I moved once Jack fell asleep and took up like half the bed, I was planning on going back to sleep but I heard Justin talking on the phone with someone I knew it was late because the apartment was now pitch black all except for the kitchen light where Justin was talking on the phone, I know it's rude to listen in but I couldn't help myself. 

" No Vic he's fine don't worry he had a bit of a rough afternoon once you left but other than that he's been fine just watching movies with me and Jack all night" 

He says before pausing I'm guessing daddy is saying something on the other end. 

" I will go check but last time I checked up on him he was asleep on the couch" 

Justin says quickly before walking into the living room seeing me now sat up on the couch. 

" Do you want to talk to Vic Kells?" 

Justin says quitely trying not to wake the still sleeping Jack spread out in the middle of the bed on the floor, I say nothing just nod my head yes before Justin motions me to go to him in the kitchen. 

" Yeah he was actually awake I'll put him on now" 

He says before grabbing the phone switching it to face time before passing it to me and quitely telling me to go to my room so I don't wake Jack up, I quickly walk down the hallway into my room quitely shutting the door and flopping on my bed looking down at the phone screen to see my daddy smiling at me. 

" Hi daddy" 

I say shyly smiling at him. 

" Hi baby and how's my favorite princess" 

He says causing me to blush. 

" Not good" 

I say pouting. 

" Why's that?"
He questions. 

" Well I miss you alot and me, Justin and Jack decided to build a fort in the louge room and watch movies and eat ice cream because they wanted to cheer me up and it's what we use to do all the time but the whole time I just wanted you there cuddling me" 

I say honestly. 

" I know baby I miss you to and honestly having my little princess in my arms sounds amazing right now" 

He sighs with a half smile on his face, I don't know what it was but I could tell something was off with Vic like something was bothering him. 

" Are you okay daddy?" 

I question after a few moments of silence, he looks at me through the phone shocked like I'm the first person in the world to ask him that. 

" What?"

 I question after he doesn't answer he just shakes his head smiling at me. 

" Nothing princess it's just your the first little whose really ever asked me that I mean sure Mike, Tony and Jaime ask me that but usually when I have littles they never really notice when something up" 

He says honestly. 

" That's a good thing I asked then right" 

I say nervously. 

" Of course baby and it's nothing really just family stuff, you remeber when I first took you to the park with Tony and I told you the rules and one of the rules where that if anyone comes up to us you have to act like a adult because it might be a client?"

He questions, I say nothing just nod my head yes. 

" Well I only said that because my Pops didn't know about me living the same lifestyle as Mike and well I told him today and to say he wasn't happy would be the understatment of the year" 

He sighs. 
" I'm sorry daddy" 

I say honestly remembering how my parents reacted when I came out as gay and then they found out about me wearing girls clothes. 

" How did you parents react when you told them?" 

He sighs. 

" Well when they found out I was gay there was a lot of yelling and the even threaten to send me to conversion therapy because they are super religious people but when they walked in one day and I was wearing a dress they lost in they yelled at me a lot and my dad hit me before they kicked me out of the house and disowned me as their son, so they don't even know I live this way lucky for me Justin and Jack have been living in this place since senior year when this all happend and they happily took me in and were accepting of the way I wanted to live"  

I say honestly, my parents were always nice to me and I had the picture perfect family that was until I went against their belief then it was like I was nothing to them but a problem and if Justin and Jack weren't in my life I would probably still be on the streets right now. 

" That's horriable I don't understand people it's not like what we're doing is hurting anyone and not just living this lifestyle but loving who we do and dressing however the fuck we want to how is that so bad" 

He sighs rubbing his temples. 

" I'm sorry daddy I wish I was there to hug and kiss you until it got your mind off things" 

I say honestly. 

" Have I ever told you how adorable you are" 

He says smiling causing me to blush and nod my head yes. 

 " I wanted to tell you something by the way I've been thinking it about it the whole flight here and it might be to soon but it feels right" 

He says smirking. 

" What is it daddy" 

I question curiously. 

" I love you princess" 

He says causing me to pause in shock. 

" Really" 

I say quitely. 

" Yes you make me smile and laugh more then anyone and I love being around you I want to be with you all the time and when I'm away from you it feels like a part of me is missing" 

He says causing me to smile and internally squeal at his cuteness.

" I love you to daddy" 

I say feeling the same way. 

" Really you're not just saying that right" 
He says causing me to giggle and shake my head no. 

" Okay princess well I know it's super late there so you should get some rest and I will talk to you soon okay" 

" Okay bye daddy" 

I say blowing a kiss at the phone causing daddy to blush this time before waving and hanging up, I give Justin's phone back to him before taking my blankets and going back to my bed falling asleep I can't believe Vic loves me.  

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