39. Real Family

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* Edited* 

I wake up to someone shaking me.

" Kitten wake up it's time for dinner"

I hear daddy say, I open my eyes to see that's it's only me and him in the living room.

" Where is everyone?"
I say confusedly.

" They're all setting the table"

Daddy says getting up off the couch and placing me on his hip and I cuddle into him still half asleep.

" I'm sleepy daddy"
I say rubbing my eyes and yawning.

" I know baby how about after dinner I'll give you a bath then you can go to sleep"
He says kissing my cheek.

" o'tay"

I say sucking on my paci. We get to the dinning room where Victor and Vivian are sitting at one end of the table and Tony is sat at the other. Daddy walks over to where Tony is sitting and gently places me in the chair beside him.

" I'm going to help Mike with the rest of dinner"
Daddy says taking my paci out of my mouth and putting it in his jean pocket before leaving the room.

" I'm so happy I got to meet you both"
Vivian says smiling at me and Tony.

" We're happy to meet you to"

I say smiling back.

" May I ask you both something though?"
Vivian says. I look to Tony not wanting to answer due to what happen last time when Victor said that.

" Depends what you're asking"
Tony says just as daddy comes in the room handing Tony a blue sippy cup and me a pink sippy cup with Disney princesses on it then leaving the room again.

" I just wanted to know how you feel about Mike and Vic?"

Vivian says surprising us.

" We love them with all our hearts"
I say happily.

" Well I'm glad to hear that"
She says laughing. Daddy comes back into the room followed by Mike holding plates of food. Daddy walks over to me and Tony placing our plates in front of us while Mike dose the same for Vivian and Victor who has barely said a word. Mike and Daddy take a seat across from me and Tony, I look down at my plate to see dinosaur nuggets, some vegetables and chips I look over to Tony who has the same. I go to grab a chip when daddy stops me.

" Eat your vegetables first"

He says sternly.

" But there like the worst part"
Tony says as Mike dose the same thing to Tony that daddy did to me.

" I agree with Tony"

I say.

" Well if you eat them first then you can get rid of the bad tastes with the things you like"

Daddy says chuckling. Me and Tony both look at each other before sighing in defeat and eating the stupid gross vegetables.

" I remember saying the same thing to you Vic"
Vivian says laughing.

" He always wanted to eat the things he liked and then complained the whole time while eating the rest"

Victor says chuckling.

" Okay ma you can stop now"
Daddy says embarrassed causing me to giggle.

" Can I ask you something Victor?"

I say.

" Of course"

He says nodding his head for me to continue.

" Why were you so mean to me and Tony and why did you say all of those things?"
I say.

" Kells-"
Daddy starts but Victor cuts him off.

" No Vic it's okay I bet Tony is thinking the same thing"
Victor says looking over at Tony.

" Kinda"
Tony says.

" Well you see I think it's because I didn't really understand this whole thing I personally found it a bit odd that my two son's like looking after 25 year old's who act like toddlers and I guess it kind of freaked me out at first but now I see how happy you both make Mike and Vic and I thought to myself if it makes them happy and their not hurting anyone I may as well give you both a chance"

He says.

" Thank you for telling us that"

I say.

" No worries I mean I bet your parents must have been pretty shocked as well"

Victor says chuckling and looking over to me and Tony.

" My mum was freaked out at first but she came around so I understand"

Tony says.

" And what about your parents Kellin"

Vivian says.

" Uhm well my parents are big Christians so as soon as they found out I was gay they kicked me out and I ended up living with my best friends Justin and Jack when I was 14 so they pretty much raised me but when I told them about this lifestyle they were pretty understanding"

I say.

" I'm sorry to hear that Kellin"
Vivian says.

" You don't need them Kells you got us now and we're not going anywhere"

 Tony says. I look around the table and a feeling of warmth spreads through me I'm finally part of a real family and it feels amazing.

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