46. Prince Charming

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* Edited* 

A/N: Only a few chapters left of this story let me know in the comments if you want a sequel and what you want to see in the sequel, smut, cuteness, etc. 

After our activities daddy gave me a much needed bath, my neck and chest are covered in loves bites and bruises from daddy as well as my butt has imprints from where he hit me with the riding crops. After he gave me a bath we went to bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I out like a light.  It's  currently the next morning and we are just cuddling on the bed to lazy to get up and to comfortable to move. I can't believe it's almost been a year now since Vic asked me to be his little it feels like yesterday that I was living with Justin and Jack  wishing for a daddy like Vic. I always thought that to find a daddy I would have to change who I am I would have to not dress like a girl and not be a crybaby and a brat that's why I always get so upset when people tell me the way I dress or the way I act is wrong, I was always told growing up in a christian family that I was going to hell for being gay, I was always the outcast at school that gay kid that nobody wanted to hang out with until I met my first dom Gabe, but in the end he decided that he couldn't live this kind of lifestyle so he gave me to Justin and Jack who took care of me until Vic came along. I never thought I would find someone like Vic someone who would love me for who I am inside not the person I am on the outside, someone that could see past me wearing girls clothes and acting like a child, I guess you could say that Vic is my prince charming.

" Princess"

Daddy says breaking the silence.

" Yes"

I say smiling looking up at him.

" Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? "

He questions smiling back at me starting to play with my hair causing me to nuzzle into him. 

" I would love to"
I say excitedly.
" How do I dress though like fancy or causal" 

I say.

" Fancy"
He says.

" Okay"

" What were you thinking about?"

He questions.

" What are you talking about?"
I say confusedly. 

"  You spaced out for a while there and I was just wondering what was going through that pretty little head of yours" 

He says.

" I was thinking about how I've been with you for almost a year now and how amazing it has been" 

I say honestly. 

" What else?"

He says encouragingly.

" I don't want to tell you"
I say blushing.

" Now you have to tell me"
"No I don't there my thoughts not yours"

I say sassily.

" Come on please"

He begs.

" No you'll laugh at me"
I say.

" I won't I promise"

" Ugh fine"

I sigh dramatically.

" I was thinking about how your kind of everything I dreamed of you see past what's on the outside and see me for who I really am on the inside, you're kinda like my prince charming" 

I say.

" That's adorable I'll be your prince charming as long as you'll be my princess"

" I'll always be your princess daddy" 

I say not being able to wipe the smile off my face, as he pulls me in for a passionate kiss. Mornings like this is what I live for laying in bed with daddy as the early morning sun peaks through the blinds making a pattern on the bed, as me and daddy lay here holding on to one another like it's the last time we'll have one another in our arms and I never want this fairy tale to end. 

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