23. What The Hell Is He Doing Here

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~ Rewritten

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~ Rewritten

( Picture of Kellin's outfit above) 

Kellin's Pov: 

It's been a few days since I got in trouble and to say punishment sucked would be an understatement my hand was killing me from writing all those stupid lines. I wake up to someone shaking me causing me to groan and smack their hand away praying they would let me go back to sleep. 

" Kells wake up" 

Tony says causing me to jump in surprise when did he get here. 

" Tony when did you get here" 

I groan rolling over facing the black haired boy covered in tattoos kneeling down beside my bed. 

" A while ago but if you don't get up I'm going to die of boredom out there Kells" 

Tony whines. 

" To early" 

I whine. 

" Kells it's like lunch time" 

Tony giggles. 

" Fine"

I groan, knowing Tony will not give up until I'm up I sit up patting the spot beside me for Tony to sit beside me which he quickly does. 

" Did your daddy tell you?" 

I say quickly wondering if Tony knows Vic decided to open up to his Pops. 

" Tell me what?" 

He says confused. 

" Well daddy called me the other day and said he told his Pops about living this lifestyle" 
I say. 

" That's awsome but his Pop is a dick" 

He says causing me to look at him shocked, Tony never speaks like that I don't even think I've heard him swear before. 

" What?" 

He says looking at me. 

" Nothing just not use to you talking like that Tony" 

I say honestly. 

" Because I don't unless someone deserves it and trust me daddy and Vic's Pops deserves it, daddy took me over there to meet them once when we first got together and their mama is an amazing women and super sweet and kind but their Pops just kept looking at me like I was some sort of disease he couldn't wait to get rid of" 

Tony sighs. 

" Well maybe this time is diffrent Tony you never know" 

I say hopeful. 

" Yeah you keep thinking that Kelly" 

He giggles. 

" What do you want to do then Tony since you're dying of boredom" 

I giggle changing the subject, he's quite for a moment thinking before looking over at me. 

" Let's go to the park Kelly we always have fun there" 

He smiles causing me to smile back. 

" Okay well you go ask Mike and Justin or Jack if we can go and I will get dressed" 

I say, he says nothing just nods his head yes before walking over the door and leaving to go ask if we can go to the park, I honestly really hope daddy's and Mike's Pops isn't as bad as Tony says what if I have to meet him one day and he's like that, we all know how sensitive I am by now I don't think I could handle something like that. I quickly shake the thought from my head before walking over to my dresser picking out some clothes to wear to the park,  I pull out a light pink lace dress and some white thigh high socks with blue bows on them,  I quickly put them on before opening another draw full of accessories and other random things before pulling out a pair of white kitten ears clipping them into my hair as well as a light pink collar to match my dress before taking out a pink paci that says pretty kitty on the button and place it in my mouth, before walking over to my shoe rack and pulling on my unicorn high tops, I know they don't really match my outfit but I love them I mean how can I not, I do a quick check in the mirror making sure I look alright before walking out into the living room to see if Tony had a answer yet but before I could get there I freeze and stop in place once I see whose there, what the hell is he doing here.  

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