28. What's Wrong With Me

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~ Edited~ 

" Oh joy let the fun begin"

Tony says sarcastically, causing me to let out a small giggle. 

" Hey pops come in"

I hear daddy say.

" How are you pops?"

I hear Mike say.

" I'm fine thank you Michael"

We don't hear anything for a couple of seconds. Tony quickly motions for me to move beside him as I moved across from him when we started colouring so we would both have enough room, but maybe sitting next to Tony would make me feel a little calmer so I quickly nod my head before moving beside him on the lounge room floor. 

" Pops this is Tony who you've met before"

Mike says gesturing towards Tony, as daddy, Mike and there pops enters the room causing me to become even more nervous then before.

" Yes the boy who decided to throw his dinner in my face"

The man says. He is tall with brown curly hair just like daddy's and deep brown eyes which were currently looking at me.

" And this is Kellin"

Daddy says pointing over to me.

" Well nice to meet you Kellin I'm Victor senior Vic's father"

He says walking over to me with his hand stretched out. I look over at daddy who just smiles at me and nods his head encouragingly. I reach up to shake his hand before returning to my place next to Tony.

" Popd why don't you and Vic stay out here with Tony and Kellin while I go check on dinner it should be ready any minute"

Mike says exiting the room. Daddy and Victor walk over and sit on the couch beside each other and start having a conversation about boring adult stuff while me and Tony continue colouring.

" Is that what I think it is in that boy's mouth I mean  he is a boy isn't he"

I hear Victor say to daddy, causing me to move closer to Tony who is now glaring at Victor.

" One yes it is what you think it is two he is a boy but he likes to wear girls clothes and I personally think he looks adorable "

Daddy says matter of factually, standing up for me causing me to smile.

" Yeah Kellin looks great in a dress I bet you would look worse then a donkey if you wore one"

Tony says causing daddy to laugh.Victor just looks at Tony shocked as do I.

" Young man where are your manners I was talking to Vic not you"
Victor says calmly. Tony says nothing just rolls his eyes turning to me.

" See I told you he's a douche"

Tony whispers in my ear just as Mike enters the room and sits on the couch next to daddy and Victor.

" Didn't you teach that boy manners Michael"

Victor says.

" Yes why do you ask?"

Mike says looking over at Tony raising his eyebrows.

" Because he was telling Vic that he didn't know if Kellin was a boy or not so I simply stated that Kellin looks great in a dress and he would look worse then a donkey if he wore one"

Tony says before Victor could say anything.

" Tony that's mean say sorry"

Mike says sternly, Tony groans dramatically and rolls his eyes.

" Fine sorry I said you would look worse then a donkey in a dress"

Tony says sarcastically.

" Tony" 

Mike says using that you wait until we get home voice. 

" That's quite alright"

Victor replies. Me and Tony sit on the floor whisper talking  while both our daddy's and Victor sit on the couch talking about business stuff.

" Hey Tony"

I whisper.

" Yeah"

" Thanks for what you said and standing up for me"
I whisper smiling at him.

" That's okay nobody messes with my Kelly bear"

He says giggling causing me to smile. 

" Well dinner should be ready by now so why don't we move this into the dinning room"
Mike says getting up and leaving the room with Victor and Tony following behind. Daddy comes over to me picking me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist and cuddle into him.

" I'm sorry about him princess"

Daddy says taking the paci out of my mouth.

" That's okay daddy it's not your fault he's a meany pants"

I say kissing him on the cheek causing him to smile and kiss my lips gently,  before we enter the dinning room. Daddy walks over and places me on the chair beside Tony before leaving to help Mike in the kitchen.

" So how old are you two?"

Victor questions from the other end of the table.

" None of your business"
Tony says.

" We're both 25"

I say quietly ignoring Tony's comment.

" But you act like a three year old "

He says pointing to Tony.

" And you act like a one year old"
He says pointing to me. I nod my head not saying anything when daddy enters the room and places a glass of water beside Victor and handing,  Tony a ninja turtles sippy cup and me a pink sippy cup with the word princess written across it, before leaving the room again.

" Why do you both do that is there something wrong with your brains or something? "

Victor says just as daddy leaves the room. I say nothing just put my head down looking at the table. Maybe he's right maybe there is something wrong with me I mean what 25 year old man pretends to be a child and dresses like a girl.

" There is nothing wrong with our brains but there must be something wrong with yours to be such a fuckwit all the time I mean seriously what the hell is wrong with you, you can't even accept your own son's lifestyle you would rather sit there and make fun of us like a close minded little bitch"

Tony says just as Daddy and Mike enter the room.

" What's going on? "

Mike says questions looking at Tony shocked, Nobody says anything. I wipe away the tears I didn't even know where there before getting up from the table and running into mine and daddy's room closing the door behind me. Maybe Victor's right there must be something wrong with me I'm disgusting what kind of 25 year old man likes to dress like a girl and call someone daddy while acting like a one year old. I go into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror there are tears pouring from my eyes and running down my face. I rip off my cat ears throwing them across the room before ripping my dress off and doing the same thing with my kitten ears, what's wrong with me.

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