Long Residence. 8:15 P.M.

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Long Residence.

             Monday, August 13. 8:15 P.M.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Angela tells Ashley as she gets out of the car, before turning to face the front door of her home.

Angela walks up a set of brick stairs, noting that the bushes on the side need to be trimmed. She takes the red key out if her Louis Vuitton bag and opens the black door. The moment Angela steps past the threshold, the Range Rover drives away.

Angela walks into the living room where she's met by her housekeeper, Kathleen. "Are my parents home?"

"No." Kathleen gives her a sad smile. "They actually called."

"Let me guess." Angela says as she walks pass the single sofa where Kathleen is standing by. "They aren't coming home."

"They weren't able to leave Connecticut tonight." Kathleen follows behind her as they walk into the family room. "Are you hungry?"

"No." Angela takes a left, walking on the wooden floor passing a brown shelf that has a flower bouquet on top. "I ate already."

"Well, if you need anything just call me." Angela turns around to face the red hair woman and making contact with her green eyes. Angela asks, "You're staying?"

"I'm not leaving you alone." Kathleen gives Angela another sorrowful smile.

"Thank you." Angela says, smiling at her before going up the stairs leading to the west wing of the second floor.

Angela walks down the narrow halls, glaring at the wooden floor. The door to her room bangs against the red wall as she angrily enters her room. Angela lets go of her bag before slamming the door shut.

Angela looks to the wall next to the door where a French table is, with a flower bouquet in the center and a picture of her and her parents facing the door. She grabs the picture and sighs. "Hi, mom and dad." She walks with the picture towards the right side of the room. "I had a nice day." Angela continues to speak to the photograph as she steps off the wooden floor and onto the white carpet. "Ashley's back from Australia, finally. I missed her this summer. It wasn't the same without her. But I guess it was for the best." She sits on her hanging bed, crossed legs. "Carlos and I are finally together. Not officially, but together. Not that you two would care." She places the picture on her white bedside table, the bed swings with the movement. "You have more money than you need. Than we need. Enough to pay for eight years of education at the most expensive University in the world and yet you worry more about your job than me. You love your job more than me."

"I won't be that type of parent." Angela wipes a stray tear away. "I'll always be there for my child. Otherwise why would I have one?" Shaking her head, Angela gets off the bed, grabs the frame and goes to place it where it belongs before she walks to her sitting area further to the left. She takes the iPod Nano that's connected to the white radio and DVD player on the shelf below her 34-inch flat screen.

Hitting play, Daddy Yankee's latest song fills the room. Angela turns her back to the radio and starts undressing while heading to the door to the right of the bed where her bathroom is.

As she prepares a bubble bath for herself, Daddy Yankee's voice rings through the speakers on the wall. Whilst the bathtub fills with water, she walks through a door at the left of the restroom, next to a full-length mirror, leading to her closet.

Her closet is designed as a boutique. Boxed shelves on the walls filled with shoes and purses. Red squares in certain parts of the room, some with mannequin heads holding hats or headbands; other squares only have the mannequins' necks wearing necklaces or tubes with bracelets. The center of the room has sixteen racks. It's divided into four sections in the shape of a square and clothes from each season hang on each rack. The racks themselves are of a golden color and all four face a small column shaped desk in the center. Each column supports a ring holder in the shape of an animal. There is a gold lion, a silver tiger, a bronze cheetah, and a platinum jaguar shaped ring holder.

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