Rivera Residence. 7:30 P.M.

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Rivera Residence.

      Tuesday, August 14. 5:00 P.M.

Kelly steps out of Tyler's white Lexus LX along with the rest of her friends.

As she had guessed, yesterday's drama was forgotten without a word from her the moment they realized that Natasha needed to finish her demo. Now that they had to succumb to speaking to her, Kelly is sure that she will be punished in some way other than the silent treatment.

Kelly leads them up the two stone steps that head to the dark brown front door. Once she opens the door, Kelly is pushed to the side as her friends file in before her. Kelly follows behind them as they head to the staircase to their right. They go up the curved staircase, passing by a family portrait of Kelly's family as they go. They take a right at the end of the stairs, passing by a small sitting area and a double door that leads to a balcony. They pass two doors on either side and Tyler - who's at the front - opens the door at the end of the hall, allowing them entrance to Kelly's bedroom. The moment the door opens Kelly's siamese cat, Ana, jumps from the bed and jogs towards Kelly who bends down to pick her up and starts petting her.

"This room is so middle school." Tyler drops her bag on the floor next to the door; the other four girls mimic her. Kelly and Ana watch their every move.

"Your room needs a makeover Kelly." Natasha's hands brushes through the spines of the books on the shelf to the left of the door. "These books are so lame." She takes out a book titled The Lightening Thief.

"And yet you saw the movie." Kelly utters walking to her desk at the far right of the room, holding Ana in one hand.

"Hey! Logan Lerman is a hottie!" Natasha defends herself, placing the book back.

"This room is so you though." Isabella's tone matches the expression of disgust on her face, as she takes in the light yellow walls. "And that's not a good thing."

"Who decorated your room again?" Franchesca asks pulling aside the curtain of the window on the right side of the room.

"I did." Kelly mumbles as she places her book bag next to her desk.

"No wonder." Sandra exclaims, placing down a picture of Kelly with each of them back down on the bedside table. "Pray to heaven that the HotChikas never set a foot in here."

Kelly blushes as she remembers the meeting with the It girls that afternoon. Would they come to her room? She frowns as she eyes her room, it didn't seem bad to her. It was simple, not over the top. It definitely screamed her. She liked it.

"Why would they?" Tyler snickers, rolling her eyes and making her way to the door. "Shall we?"

"Let's go." The girls begin to go through the door. "Oh and Kelly, be a dear and bring us snacks." Isabella orders before exiting the room.

"Sure, why not." Kelly sighs and strolls after them, placing Ana on the floor and closing the door behind her. They separate at the bottom of the stairs as Kelly keeps going straight and her friends take a left and disappear into the hall.

Once in the kitchen, Kelly heads to one of the top cabinets on the left side of the steel refrigerator while Ana sits in the corner and watches her as she takes out six glasses. Setting them on the counter, she bends down and takes a tray out from the bottom cabinet. She then goes to the island in the middle of the kitchen and opens the dishwasher that is on the left side of it and grabs the glass jar.

Once she gathers everything she needs for the drinks, she begins to make iced tea.

Half way through, a meow from below her stops her activity. "Are you hungry Ana?" The cat meows again. "Let's get you some food."

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