East Land Prep. 7:00 A.M.

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 East Land Prep.

            Monday, August 20. 7:00 A.M.

Kelly looks around the hall, making sure it's empty before entering the newspaper classroom with the key the HotChikas left in the envelope they had given her on Saturday. Locking the door behind her, she hurries to a computer.

Entering the password, she continues to follow the instructions on the white paper to her left.

She hastily writes down the announcement placing the picture sent to her e-mail at the top and saving it.

Kelly walks to her locker as normally as possible, feeling as she did last Wednesday after she turned over all the cameras and dressed up the Lion statue in the courtyard. She has to remind herself that no one will know it was her. That all the risks she's taking is so that her friends can be on TOP, like they have been dreaming about since starting ELP.

She takes her Physics homework out of her locker along with a pencil and closes it. She looks around the empty hall and makes her way to her classroom.

"Miss Rivera, I would appreciate it if you didn't sleep in my classroom." Kelly bolts awake and looks around. A few giggles come from the girls that are in the class, while Mrs. Roberts stands in front of her with her arms crossed.

"Sorry." Kelly mumbles.


Kelly blinks a few times, her mind still foggy from sleep, but she quickly hands over the paper on her desk when her brain deciphers the words. She opens her purse, taking a mint and popping it in her mouth.

"Why do you look like you just woke up?" Tyler asks Kelly the moment she reaches their desk.

"Because I did." Kelly simply states.

Tyler leans in close to Kelly, forcing the latter to lean backwards. "Did you wax your eyebrows?"

Kelly's eyes widen. "You can tell?"

"Wait, what?" Natasha moves Tyler to the side and looks at Kelly. "Whoa, and you're still dressing like a clown."

"Yeah." Tyler snorts. "It's gonna take more than that to change you."

Before Kelly can reply, the bell rings and Mrs. Roberts closes the door. "Ok, clear your desks and take a pencil out. Now remember, this isn't a test to check your knowledge but it will count towards your grade."

"Wouldn't that mean that it is to test out knowledge since it counts towards our grade?" A girl from the back asks and everyone looks at Mrs. Roberts expectantly.

"Miss Elliot, this is an I.B. class, everything you do will count towards your grade." Mrs. Roberts answers. "This test will just so happen to let me know what we need to work on." Mrs. Roberts grabs the stack of papers on her desk. "And it will give you a chance to lift your grade when you retake it at the end of the semester."

"So this is our final?" Tyler asks.

"Oh God no." Mrs. Roberts shakes her head as she begins to hand out the papers. "This is an assessment. Your final will be much harder than this."

Tyler turns to Kelly with a glare. "Great."

Kelly takes the paper from her desk and stands up, pleased with herself for finishing in less than an hour. She hands Mrs. Roberts the test and walks out of the room.

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