Sabor Latino. 4:35 P.M.

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Sabor Latino.

               Tuesday, August 14. 4:35 P.M.

"So, Friday?" Carlos asks Angela who is placing her chocolate milkshake on the table in front of her. Her attention is on Emma's table across the room, where Louis Arias is sitting and laughing with Emma.

"Angie?" Carlos' annoyed tone causes Angela to turn to him only to find him glaring at Louis.

"Yes?" Angela asks with a frown, shocked by his reaction.

"Movies on Friday?" Carlos glances back at her, his jaw clutched and his eyes clear of any emotion.

"Oh, sorry." Angela shakes her head. "Yeah, sure."

Carlos nods and turns to talk to Leonardo who is sitting next to him. Angela scrutinizes the back of his head before sighing softly and turning to Ashley who's still flirting with Jack, or at least trying.

"So you like scuba diving." Angela sits back and watches her friend flirt with an oblivious Jack.

"Yeah." Jack shrugs, playing with his fries; Ashley's eyes meet Angela's - who rolls hers.

"What do you like about it?" Angela regards Jack as he leans away from the table. His arms crossed as he looks at Ashley warily, yet curiously.

"I like the freedom." Jack replies slowly. "It's like being in another world." He stares off in the distance, as if picturing it and Ashley takes this chance to look at Angela again, mouthing 'What da f' and forcing Angela to cover her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. Once she's sure she won't laugh, Angela removes her hand and mouths 'be more blunt'. Ashley sighs and turns back to Jack just a he says, "The colors are amazing."

"Huh." Ashley nods in faux-amazement. "I thought you'll do it for the wet suits."

"The wet suits?" He chuckles nervously.

"Yeah, I just had this impression that you were big on rubber and getting wet." Ashley waves her hand in the air. "I guess I was wrong."

Angela turns away when she notices that Jack still doesn't get it and passes a fit of laughter as a cough, earning a kick under the table from Ashley. Deciding to help her friend out, she turns back to the pair. "What type of girls do you like Jack?"

The question catches Jack off-guard and it takes some time for him to answer her. "Well, I don't have a type really. I like every girl."

"But there must be something specific that you like." Angela inquires. "How would a girl have to be to become you girlfriend?"

"I don't do relationships." Jack informs her, causing Ashley to stand up straighter.

"But if you did?" Angela edges on.

"Well, I don't like complications." Jack shrugs. "I don't like girls who play hard to get either."

"You don't like a chase?" Ashley questions.

"What's the point if at the end it's going to have the same effect?" Jack throws back at Ashley. "Playing hard to get is only delaying things and it's annoying."

"So you like easy girls?" Ashley rolls her eyes.

"Well, it won't be hard to find one." Their attention turns to Emma, who appears next to Jack. "Not with you here."

"I'm sorry?" Angela glances between the two girls, each glaring at the other. "This is a conversation between A and B." Ashley motions to herself and Jack. "So C your way out of it."

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