East Land Prep. 9:30 A.M.

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East Land Prep.

           Wednesday, August 15. 9:30 A.M.

Angela walks into her Italian III classroom, her brown boots hitting the floor as she heads to her table at the back of the classroom.

She shares her table with a silver-eyed girl who acquired a pixie cut sometime between Monday and that morning.

"Hey Angela." The brown haired girl says as she smiles at Angela. "What's up?"

"Hey Amalia." Angela says as she smiles at the sophomore while taking her seat. "I love your haircut."

Amalia beams. "Really?"

"Yeah." Angela nods, while taking a paper out of her purse. "It fits you."

"Thank you." Amalia sighs, the smile never leaving her face. "It was a risk, but worth it."

"Definitely." Angela says as she smiles at her. "Anyways, you ready to imparare L'italiano?"

Amalia laughs at Angela's exaggeration. "I don't get it, if you hate Italian so much why are you still taking it? We only need two years of foreign language."

"Because taking AP Italian and passing it will get me out of taking a foreign language ever again." Angela shrugs.

"Ah, good strategy." Amalia nods with approval and Angela taps her temple, giving Amalia a side wink.

"Mattina buona classe." Ms. Young, the Italian teacher closes the door as she enters the classroom with a Gucci handbag in one hand and a Starbucks plastic cup in the other.

"Buongiorno, Signora Young." The class murmurs while Angela rolls her eyes. Placing the palm of her hand on her cheek and resting her head on it, Angela holds a pen in her other hand and watches it as she flips it back and forth in between her fingers.

"Alright." Ms. Young sets her handbag on her desk and sits own behind it on her chair, taking a sip of her coffee. "Which group will perform first?"

Angela looks around as her classmates groan at the thought of going to the front first. Chickens.

Rolling her eyes Angela stands up and looks at the members of her group. Tyler Lyons, Alexandra Epps, and Ingrid Soto stand up and follow Angela to the front. The latter two bring two chairs up while Tyler and Angela take a table up there.

Once the scene is set, Angela and Tyler head to the door and stand there while Alexandra stands by the teacher's black desk.

Angela and Tyler begin to walk forward, arms around their elbow, chuckling amongst themselves until they reach Alexandra, who smiles at them and says, "Benvenuti al ristoranti Paradiso. Quanti sono?"

"Due." Tyler answers with a smile.

Alexandra grabs the two hard-copied papers in shape of a folded menu. "In questo modo si prega." She leads them to the side where the two chairs and desk are. Handing them their menus once they sit down, Alexandra says, "Il server sarà qui presto."

"Van bene. Grazie." Tyler replies with a smile.

"Sei sicuro che questo pesto è buono?" Angela asks Tyler while looking at the make believe menu.

"Si." Tyler nods, not taking her eyes off her menu. "La pasta è deliziosa."

"Ciao." Ingrid joins them with a notepad and pencil, ready to take their order in Italian.

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