East Land Prep. 3:35 P.M.

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East Land Prep.

           Tuesday, August 14. 3:35 P.M.

Ashley Lopez fixes her white fingerless gloves as she waits on the top bleacher at the far left of the Gymnasium, the dim light hiding herself and Angela.

"She's late." Angela states, regarding her gold Rolex watch. "Do you really believe she'll come?"

Before Ashley can respond, the door to their right opens with an echoing sound, causing both brunettes to turn to its direction. Standing at the entrance is the subject of Angela's question.

Kelly narrows her eyes as she attempts to see around the poorly lit space, trying to find something. As she does, Ashley checks her out taking in the long shirt that is decorated with hearts and the red flats. "Not bad." Ashley whispers, glancing over at Angela who's also watching Kelly. "Could be better, but not bad. Shall we reveal ourselves?"

"Let's." Angela stands up and begins to move forward towards the better-lit section of the gym. Ashley follows close behind.

"Well." Ashley says once they reach the center of the basketball court and Kelly's eyes are on them. "I hope you made sure you weren't followed."

Kelly's eyes widen and her mouth opens as she attempts to speak. Angela sighs, "We should really start to put that on the invite."

Ashley nods in agreement before saying. "Well? What are you waiting for? Come closer." Kelly moves forward until she's only just inches from them. "Congratulations Kelly Elizabeth Rivera, you're our new project."

"I am?"

"Don't sound so surprised." Angela says condescendingly, rolling her eyes. "You can't seriously think your fashion sense rocks."

"Well, no, but-"

"There's no but." Ashley interrupts. "You either have it or you don't." With arms crossed, Ashley begins to move towards Kelly. "But don't worry." Ashley circles her. "That's what we're here for. We'll have you at the TOP in no time." Kelly's eyes widen in surprise. "What?" Ashley stands in front of her, glancing up at Kelly who is three inches taller than she is. "Why do you look shocked?"

"I'm just surprised." Kelly gasps out. "I know my fashion sense isn't the best, but-"

"Like I said, there's no but." Ashley interrupts her again and Kelly nods furiously.

"Don't get your hopes up yet." Ashley steps back and Angela meets her half way. "There are many things to do before you can reach the TOP."

"If you really want it." Ashley remarks, eyeing Kelly. "It'll be easy as pie."

"Why do people say that?" Angela wonders aloud, earning a confused glance from Ashley. "Pie isn't easy to make."

"Angie." Ashley suspires, turning to face her best friend shaking her head. "You think eggs aren't easy to make." With that said, Ashley turns back to the shocked Kelly in front of her. "Now, Kelly, do you want to be made over?

Kelly's eyes widen and she quickly stutters out. "Who wouldn't?"

Ashley rolls her eyes. "I don't care about anyone else. I asked you. Now, do you want to be made over?"

"Yes, of course." Kelly blushes. "I'd be honored."

"Well then." Angela smirks, folding her arms in front of her. "Ready to hear the rules?" Kelly nods and Angela continues. "We will give you a set of trials. These tests will show us how much you want this. They are based on information we have on you and trust me, it's not good."

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