East Land Prep. 7:30 A.M.

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East Land Prep

           Tuesday, August 14. 7:30 A.M.

Kelly walks down the nearly empty hall towards her light red locker, giddy to get her decorations on it. The few students present are working on theirs as well.

Locker decoration is a very looked forward to activity in East Land Prep. The girls can decorate their locker however they like as long as it's school appropriate.

When she gets to her locker, Kelly opens it and places her backpack inside. Closing her locker, Kelly takes out a set of flower stickers from her purse. She begins by placing the roll around the edges and finishes with a sticker at the center that says "BORICUA" in glittering blue, red and white colors.

Tyler, Isabella and Sandra arrive just as she finished placing the final sticker on her locker. Kelly knows that they won't resist the urge to say something about her locker, no matter what happened the day before.

"Seriously Kelly?" Kelly isn't sure if she should sigh or smile as her prediction comes true. "That's so lame."

"It's my locker." Kelly tells Tyler while bending down to pick up her purse. "It's not lame to me."

"Of course not, it's you." Sandra exclaims, rolling her eyes and leaning against the locker next to Kelly. "You live in a parallel universe. Everything that's not cool here is cool there."

Kelly blushes, turning her lock to reopen her locker. "Like I said, it's my locker."

"Little Kelly is trying to grow a backbone." Natasha jokes as she comes to a stop in front of Sandra. "Can I get to my locker?"

"Sure." Sandra moves out of the way and stands next to Franchesca who arrived with Natasha.

"What bit you this morning Kels?" Franchesca eyes Kelly's outfit and her words have everyone eyeing Kelly.

Kelly is wearing a blue top with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The shirt stops just below her butt and it's covered in red hearts. She paired this with blue skinny jeans and red flats. Her blonde hair is straight, her bangs almost covering her green eyes.

"Yeah Kelly, did you actually get up on the right side of the bed?" Isabella jokes, causing everyone but Kelly to laugh.

"I don't get it." Kelly exclaims, closing her locker and turning to face her friends. "If I dress unimpressive it's bad and if I dress impressive it's just as bad."

"Aww, are you upset?" Tyler cues with a chuckle.

"I hope you don't think your outfit will get us to forgive you for yesterday." Sandra points out, causing the group to laugh at Kelly again, with Natasha snorting a "As if" as her locker slams shut.

"Look." Franchesca draws everyone's attention down the hall where Ashley and Angela are speaking to two students near their locker. "I wonder what they'll do to their locker this year."

Kelly eyes the two It girls. "No doubt something amazing."

"No doubt." Isabella agrees.

"Why is it that they always look amazing?" Sandra wonders aloud, staring lustfully at the girls.

"Fashion Design class, duh." Franchesca rolls her eyes as if the answer was obvious.

"No." Kelly speaks out. "It's just them. They make anything look good."

"You have a point." Isabella agrees with Kelly again. "I bet that if I wore Angela's outfit, it wouldn't look as good."

Kelly turns her attention to Angela's clothes. The It girl has a light pink mesh tank that stops mid-stomach and a dark pink tank top showing underneath, tightening around her to show off her curves. Angela's also wearing a polka dot skirt that stops mid-thigh with white and pink Pumas and socks that reach her knees with pink lines at the top. Her curly hair is brushed and pinned down to the left side of her head as the curls cover the right side of her face.

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