Chapter 1: Divine Protection

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This starts before the wave of power attacks her.

Yuri POV

I was walking through East Forest with Daisuke. "Remind me why we're out here again"
"Because I'm taking you to the best spot to watch the solar eclipse"
"We could have watched it with everyone else"
"We could have. Doesn't mean we should have. Now come on!" I pulled on his arm to make him walk faster. "We're here!" I'd taken him to a clearing I'd found in the forest. There were flowers growing here and there and I'd set a blanket down for us to lay on. "What'd you think? Perfect view of the sky and nice nature"
"And you just happened to stumble upon this place?"
"No silly! I found this place months ago, this is where I go when I'm troubled"
"At least I now know where to find you"
"Anyway come on it's gonna start soon!" We laid next to each other on the blanket, put on the special sunglasses the hospital gave us and looked up at the sky. The moon came into view and began covering the sun. "Wow..." I looked on in awe as the moon fully covered the sun.
"You look so adorable right now" I turned to face him.
"You are supposed to be watching the solar eclipse"
"I'd rather be watching something much more fascinating" He kissed me.
"Daisuke! Stop embarrassing me!"
"A boyfriends gonna do what a boyfriends gonna do"
"Yeah well please restrain yourself until the solar eclipse is over"
"Is that an invitation to do whatever I want after this finishes?"
"As long as I can handle it" I felt something slither down my throat but there was nothing there. "What?" I sat up.
"What is it?" Daisuke sat up too.
"I don't know it felt like something-aaaahhhh!!!!" Pain ran through every inch of my body.
"Yuri! What's happening?!"
"I-I don't k-know!" I couldn't hold in my screams of pain.
"Yuri!" Then I couldn't breathe, I began choking and gasping for air. "Hang on Yuri!" The pain was unbearable. Tears ran down my face. Suddenly all the pain disappeared and the last thing I saw was white before I passed out.

Daisuke POV

"Yuri!" She was turning blue as she gasped for air and cried. What the heck is going on?! Then a white light surrounded her and she stopped moving. "Yuri?" I quickly checked for a pulse and sighed in relief when I found one. "You're alright..." I picked her up and took her to my house. I laid her in my bed and sat on the sofa which was under the window. "What the heck happened back there?" I took off my eclipse watching glasses and put them in one of my bedside table draws. I decided to sit on my bed and lay Yuri on top of me instead. I wrapped my arms around her protectively. I have a feeling things are about to get bad for Yuri again. At least this time I'll be able to try my best to protect her. I looked down at her sleeping face. "I will protect you even if it costs me my life"

Yuri POV

I woke up with Daisuke's arms wrapped around me tightly. I looked up to see he was sleeping, I laughed to myself despite what happened in the forest. "You look so cute when you're asleep" I tried to wriggle out of his grip but it was super tight. Seems like I have to wait until he wakes up. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. What happened to me? And who stopped it? As these questions whizzed around my head a bright light appeared next to the bed and a woman with white hair and blue eyes came from the light.

I quickly made a barrier surround me and Daisuke

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I quickly made a barrier surround me and Daisuke. "Who are you?"
"I'm not here to hurt you but you are right to be cautious" I dispelled the barrier.
"Heavens Dragon? Why are you here? And how are you human?"
"I'd rather you call me by my name, Helena. I have the power to switch between human and dragon and the reason I'm here is to explain to you"
"You know what happened to me in the forest?"
"Unfortunately I do. My brother tried to take control of your body. The solar eclipse gave him the power to make contact with Earth Land but since the solar eclipse is over he can't meddle with this world anymore. You should be okay as now that the solar eclipse is over he can't try to take over your body. The time for him to find a host has passed"
"So I'm not in danger anymore?"
"Yes you are correct"
"You have a brother?"
"Yes Heath. He used to be a Heavens Dragon but his heart became surrounded by darkness and I had to ban him from the heavens"
"So where is he now?"
"In hell"
"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss"
"It is okay, I did what I had to do to protect heaven and it's inhabitants"
"Do you ever miss him? If you don't mind me asking"
"All the time, life is not the same without him. You must not tell anyone you saw me, it could create problems for you and me both"
"Okay, I won't tell anyone"
"I have served my purpose here, farewell" She disappeared the same way she came. Daisuke woke up after her light had disappeared.
"Are you okay?"
"Yep I'm fine, I also know what happened and that it will never happen again"
"Well don't leave me in the dark" I told him what Helena had told me. "How did you find this out?"
" a dream where I heard the Heavens Dragon's voice"
"That's divine protection for ya"
"I guess it is, but what if her brother found a different host?" I didn't get to ask Helena this question.
"From what you told me the Heavens Dragon seems pretty sure that her brother ran out of time to find a host"
"I know she said that but everyone has the ability to be wrong..." I said my voice barely a whisper so Daisuke couldn't hear me. "Well at least I'm safe now"
"And that's the only thing that matters" He kissed me softly on the forehead. "That you are alive and well"
"You're right" I should stop worrying and believe in Helena.

Or should you? Like you said everyone can be wrong. Or in this case so very wrong.

Amber ✌🏾️

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