Chapter 13: Recoveries

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Daisuke POV

Helena had brought Yuri to my house after only telling me that she needed someone she can really rely on. I had one arm wrapped around her as I stared at her sleeping face. She looks so peaceful right now, guaranteed everyone looks peaceful when they're asleep but whatever. What could have happened? I sneezed into the tissue in my other hand. Stupid cold keeping me in bed all day...I got up but Yuri's grip tightened on my hand. I smiled at her before sliding back into bed again. "You could have just told me you were awake"
"I didn't want to but I didn't want to be left alone either"
"Yuri...what happened?"
"The guy who violated me was saying that it was my fault my parents died..."
"What?! Using your parents death wagainst you is low..."
"But he-"
"Let me stop you right there. He was just saying that to get to you, he knows how emotional you are and how important people's parents are to said people. It was in no way you're fault, I should know I was there"
"I saw how tall and muscle-y those thieves were. As a four year old you wouldn't have stood a chance. You would have ended up dead with your parents"
"Y-you were there?"
"I was one of the people that gathered at the gunshots. The woman who went up to you? That was my mum"
"You used to live in the same village as me?"
"Yep. Shocking I guess"
"To say the it wasn't my fault?"
"Yuri I do not know how to make this clearer to you. The only ones at fault were the robbers, you could even ask the Heavens Dragon to ask your parents for you if you're still not convinced" she laughed. "Finally got a smile out of you"
"Thanks Daisuke, I'm glad you were here to help me"
"Well I wouldn't be anywhere else with this cold"
"Then I'm glad Helena brought me here"
"Why was she even here? She only comes when you're faced with death"
"About that..." She looked down. "He tried to stab my heart but missed and left me to bleed to death...Helena came just before I lost consciousness"
"I can guess that bastard will come to try and kill you again"
"I took care of that"
"Cles?!" We both exclaimed in complete and utter shock.
"The one and only. Figured I owe you for trying to kill you and stuff, also a woman called Helena asked me too"
"Like I've said once before, that's divine protection for you"
"Good luck with life Yuri, break a leg" He disappeared from my room.
"Helena sure is full of surprises"
"Well she is trying to protect you from getting killed. A guardian's gotta do what a guardian's gotta do to fulfil their purpose"
"I guess you're right" She tried to get out of bed but collapsed almost immediately after doing so.
"I also guess I lost more blood than I thought but I'll be fine"
"Fine to do what exactly?"
"Nurse you back to health"
"I'm pretty sure you have to have perfect health to be able to do that"
"Says the overprotective boyfriend. I'll be fine, I'm just going to whip you up some chicken soup. That stuff always made me feel better!"
"I give in. But be careful" She took off her boots before answering.
"Stop worrying!" She went down the stairs to my kitchen. After a few minutes of clanging in the kitchen everything went silent.
"Yuri? Everything good down there?"
"Yes! Everything's great down here! Just don't come down!"
"You know that makes me have to come down"
"No! I'm coming up!" She ran up the stairs with a bowl and spoon in one hand. "Here! Just like your mum used to make!"
"I didn't tell you mum gave me that cookbook"
"You didn't have to. Next to the contents page is a cute message to her adorable little West boy"
"Did you read all of it?!"
"Uh huh, apparently you used to be terrible at cooking and had all these 'accidents'. There's even a picture, you were so cute!" I felt my face heat up as she brought up my childhood.
"Please don't tell anyone, it's embarrassing enough with one person other than me knowing it"
"My lips are sealed shut. Now eat!" She gave me the bowl with the spoon and soup inside. I took a sip and delicious warmness delighted my tastebuds.
"This is just like mum's! You're good at following recipes!" I began slurping the soup up. I always was a sucker for mum's cooking.
"Oh please, it doesn't take skill to read a book" she waved her other hand at me and I put my spoon down. "What's wrong? Is the aftertaste bad?"
"No the soup's amazing. What's that on your wrist?"
"Oh! Nothing!" She put her right hand behind her back again. "I'll just go clean up downstairs!"
"Yuri" she froze. "What'd you do?"
"That's no fair, you know I can't ignore you when you use that suspecting voice"
"Fine! If it will make you stop calling my name like that, I cut my wrist! A wave of dizziness came over me and I accidentally put my arm down on top of a knife! Happy now?!" She collapsed on the spot. "Ugh..."
"Another dizzy wave?"
"You really don't like that voice do you?"
"No Daisuke, I absolutely hate it when you use that voice"
"Noted. How about I use this one instead?" I began talking seductively.
"That voice-I absolutely love but you're sick so no kisses I'm afraid"
"I know" I finished the soup and put the bowl and spoon down on my bedside table. "There are bandages in the cupboard above the bin in the kitchen"
"Thanks Daisuke" she went downstairs and after a few minutes came back up with a bandage wrapped around her right wrist. "All better and now it's my turn to make you all better. Get some sleep"
"Yes nurse Sakura" I pulled the covers over my body and under Yuri's gaze fell asleep.

(Time skip 5 hours, 1am)

I woke up to see that it was late outside. Or early depending on how you look at it. Yuri had fallen asleep on my armchair. "You'll catch a cold if you sleep like that" I chuckled to myself before getting a blanket from my closet and spreading it over her. "You look so cute right now..." My body moved on its own and my lips aligned with and pressed against Yuri's. When I pulled away her eyes fluttered open slowly. "Good morning sleepyhead" or good night again depends on how you look at it.
"I fell asleep, sorry! I was supposed to be looking after you! But watching you sleep made me feel sleepy"
"It's okay, I feel a lot better now. Your cooking of my mum's recipe made me feel a lot better and the rest just recharged my batteries"
"I'm glad I was able to help you recover"
"Me too, now I can do this" I picked her up and placed her on my bed then attacked her with my lips.
"Daisuke...mmm..." She ran her fingers through my hair. My heart beat started to speed up. After a series of kisses I laid down beside her. She had opened the necklace we won and the melody soothed me. "Daisuke was it my fault that you nearly killed me?"
"What?!" Where'd this come from?!
"I couldn't stop Hugh from taking you out of my bathroom"
"No it wasn't your fault. It was my fault for falling for the trap he laid for me that allowed him to capture me"
"Sorry I'm so emotional..."
"That's just the way you are. Remember that I love every part of you, personality or body"
"I love you too..."
"Glad to hear Yuri" Her breathing slowed and I looked down to realise she had fallen asleep. "Sleep tight Yuri" I pulled her close, closed the heart and let sleep eventually claim me.

The Hells Dragon's Wrath (Second book in I've found love series)Where stories live. Discover now