Chapter 12: Words can hit you hard

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Levy POV

It was 9am. I got dressed and went to Wendy's room and knocked on her door. "Wendy? It's me, Levy. Can I come in?"
"Sure!" I came in to see Wendy already dressed and brushing her hair. "What's wrong Levy?"
"Nothing's wrong. Just thought you, me, Lucy and Yuri could go have a girls day"
"Definitely! Let's go get Yuri! Coming Carla?"
"Just to keep you out of trouble" We all went to Yuri's room.
"Hey Yuri? You awake yet?"
"Yeah! Just a sec!...okay, you can come in!" I pushed open her door to see a towel wrapped around her. "I was just about to change so can we make this quick?"
"Sure, I was wondering if you want to join us on a girls day? Just you, me,Wendy and Lucy"
"Would I?! Of course I would! I'll be right out!"
"Great!" We went out to the lobby and waited for Yuri on the sofa. Two minutes later she came down wearing a black dress with a white belt and hem and black knee high boots.
"Ta da!"
"You look great Yuri! Now all that's left to do is get Lucy!"
"Then what are we waiting for?" We all left for the guild and when we arrived asked Lucy to join us. She agreed quickly but there was one problem that became something like an immovable barrier.
"I'm still worried about you Lucy. I don't want you going off on your own" Cue Natsu Dragneel, the over-worrier when it is not necessary and the under-worrier when it is.
"There's a lot of things I have to say in response to that. Firstly, that's sweet that you're worried for me and I understand why you are acting like this. Secondly, I won't be on my own. I'll have these three girls with me, which if I may remind you two out of those three use support magic so I'll be perfectly safe plus I have my spirits. Thirdly, you are not the boss of me I will go where I like"
"Are we actually going to be able to start girls day?" Yuri whispered to me.
"At this point they could go on for ages" I whispered back.
"My response is that support magic isn't that good of protection since you had it with you three weeks ago and all that stuff still happened to you. I mean how many times did you nearly die and the support Mage couldn't do anything to stop it" Did he just blame Yuri for what happened to Lucy?! And right in front of her face as well! Someone needs to teach this dragon slayer some manners! Yuri started to cry and ran off, Wendy went after her.
"What's wrong with you?! For your information I only nearly died twice and Yuri protected me both times! The first time she helped push me out the tree so you could pull me out completely and I didn't drown!"
"Yeah but I'm the one that got you out of the tree"
"You wouldn't have been able to do that without Yuri's help! And the second time Yuri put herself in danger to try and protect me for as long as she could!"
"It obviously wasn't long enough"
"Are you hearing yourself?! I already had to convince her once that it wasn't her fault and she didn't really listen to me that time! Now that you've said it I'm pretty sure she won't want to talk to anyone! Not even Daisuke!"
"But he's in bed sick plus she's way too sensitive" Now I stepped in.
"That's beside the point! You're such an idiot!" I slapped him across face before storming away with Lucy. "I can't believe him! How could he blame one of his friends so easily?!"
"Because his knowledge is buried twenty kilometres under solid rock" I laughed.
"That would explain a lot of things"
"Yes it would Levy and I can't believe you actually slapped him!"
"Neither can I. I was so angry, my body just moved on its own but his face was classic"
"I know right, anyway, any ideas where she went?"
"Well, she likes to be surrounded by nature when she's troubled remember?"
"Oh yeah! She's gotta be in the East Forest!" We ran to where Daisuke said was her special spot but she wasn't there. Wendy was. "Wendy?! Did you see where she went?!"
"Yeah, look up" we did so and saw Yuri hugging her knees to her chest snivelling on a high tree branch. "She won't come down and the branch is beginning to break"
"Yuri! Please come down! We want to talk to you!" I shouted.
"G-go away! I want to be left alone!"
"No! We're your friends and we care about you so we're not going to leave!"
"I don't know what a friend is anymore Lucy...!"
"Then maybe you know what a best friend is! And that Natsu obviously isn't one of them! Please talk to us! Talk to your best friends!" I shouted hoping it would get her down.
"You win..." She flew off the branch just as it snapped and fell to the ground.
"That was a close one..." She landed in front of us. "First off, don't listen to Natsu. He's an idiot. Next, you are coming with us so we can talk in a more appropriate setting" I grabbed Yuri's wrist and pulled her towards the library. "A good book will cheer you up"
"Of course you'd think of the library Levy"
"Then you know me well Lu-Lu" I took out a good romance novel for Yuri then we went to her bedroom in Fairy hills. "Now we do the talking part"
"I don't want to..."
"Well I'm sorry to say that we're still doing it. Whatever happens to Lucy is whoever Lucy thinks it is fault. Did that make sense?"
"I got what you meant. If Lucy says it's not my fault then it's not my fault"
"Exactly! Lu-Lu?" I gestured for her to take over.
"And I say without a shadow of a doubt that it was NOT your fault Yuri"
"But even the guy who violated me said it was my wouldn't have been hurt if I never joined fairy tail!" She jumped and flew out the window.
"Yuri! Come back!" She flew until she was out of sight. This day has been a disaster! What's wrong with Natsu?!

(Time skip evening, 7pm)

Yuri POV

I landed in front of the cliff I'd found here ages ago. "Natsu's right... I couldn't protect Lucy..."
"She's not the only one you failed to protect" I jumped at the sudden voice.
"Who's there?!" I made a barrier to surround myself. Natsu stepped out of the darkness. "Natsu?!"
"You couldn't protect your precious parents either. You just stood there and let them get shot"
"I couldn't do anything! I was only four!" My barrier began to weaken as they do when I'm in a upset state. My barriers were connected with my emotions.
"Age is just an excuse. You unlocked your powers before they were killed. You could have protected them but you just let them get shot, you were the reason you're parents died"
"N-no...! You don't know anything!" I sank to my knees with tears blurring my vision.
"You also couldn't protect your beloved boyfriend when he was being used as a weapon"
"Stop it!" I pressed my hands to my ears and closed my eyes as my sobs grew louder. "Stop it..." A sudden sharp pain went through my chest. My eyes flew open and saw a fresh wound in between my breasts leaking blood but there was no weapon. I fell onto my side as blood spurted from my wound and trickled out my mouth.
"Oops, looks like I missed your heart. Oh well, you'll still die. I'm guessing you remember me now. If you're wondering what I did to the real Natsu he's at home. I put strong sleeping pills in the drinks I gave them. Ta ta" He changed back to how he looked when I first met him a year ago and left. So it wasn't my fault...I'm such an idiot for listening to an enemy...I guess I'm paying for my idiocy now...I laid there as my surroundings darkened. Before my vision left me completely I saw a bright light appear by my side.'s too late...I heard her voice reply before I lost consciousness:
"It's never too late for a Heavens Dragon's divine intervention Yuri Sakura"

The Hells Dragon's Wrath (Second book in I've found love series)Where stories live. Discover now